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Topic: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth
Started by: Nero's Boot
Started on: 5/9/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 5/9/2004 at 4:14pm, Nero's Boot wrote:
TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

I've recently been cruising the forums at, and I've seen some threads about using TRoS with other, established game settings (i.e., Greyhawk, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, etc). What worlds from other FRPGs have you stripped clean of original system, and then plugged in The Riddle of Steel?

--granted, Greyhawk works much better d20, but hey....NB

Message 11125#118477

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On 5/9/2004 at 4:32pm, nsruf wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

We just started a TROS game in Hyboria using Mongoose's Conan RPG for source material. I converted the races and equipment lists from the latter, and changed the consequences of spellcasting from aging to a corruption mechanic.

So far, we just made characters and ran some sample combats, but the first real game session is tomorrow. I'll post info about the PCs and their first adventure later this week if I get around to it.

Message 11125#118480

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On 5/9/2004 at 7:52pm, Nero's Boot wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Gah! Conan and TROS mesh as well as human flesh and a whirlwind of monofilament razors. Conan was an epic warrior who challenged gods and won; by TROS rules, he would've been killed doing the things he normally did.

--I'm sorry, that is the worst setting/system mesh ever NB

Message 11125#118500

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On 5/9/2004 at 9:07pm, nsruf wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Not at all. TROS is the ultimate Sword & Sorcery RPG, IMO, and Conan is (one of) the ultimate Sword and Sorcery stories. If you give Conan the proper Spiritual Attributes, he can just overcome the challenges set before him. Something like:

Conscience (barbarian's code of honor)

Faith (Crom - not that Crom listens to prayers, but I'd allow a Cimmerian to apply this SA to doing anything suicidally reckless)


Destiny (become king of Aquilonia - maybe less specific for early Conan)

Drive (early Conan: become rich / late Conan: become leader of men)

I just read all the original Conan tales (by Howard himself) to prepare for my campaign, and noted time and again what an excellent fit the system is. E.g. Conan never takes on multiple opponents unless he is desperate or clearly the superior combatant. And I could almost translate his battles into TROS rules in my mind while reading about them.

Message 11125#118509

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On 5/9/2004 at 9:29pm, Malechi wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

alright.. for fear of a knee-jerk response i'll put forward my converted setting.. Midnight by Fantasy Flight Games. Frankly the d20 version was, while interesting far from ideal. As a TROS game it shines. It *is* blood opera.

once again SAs make the difference between a deadly dead-end system and a game of deadly heroics...

Jason K...

Message 11125#118512

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On 5/9/2004 at 9:42pm, Tash wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

One of the charactes in my campaign IS Conan...his Faith SA is "To seek the Riddle of Steel so that he may stand before Crom on the Day of Judgement and answer as a warrior".

I'm also working out a way to quickly port 3rd Edition D&D character stats to TRoS because my group has a huge amount of D&D/Forgotten Realms source material, but we like the TRoS mechanics better.

Message 11125#118513

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On 5/9/2004 at 11:28pm, bergh wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

We invented out own world, and this works fine, i think its a shame that some people can't relate to or think for them self.

A world and rule change over should not give anyone with a bit creativity any problems, and tros is really a very basic RPG, you can always invent new abilitys or special gift if you want.

i'de even think that it would world fine for a RPG set in present day or the future, shooting machanics should just be the same, but still have to think about how automatic weapons function with the rules.

Message 11125#118520

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On 5/9/2004 at 11:32pm, Tash wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

I've invented world's for campaigns, but its so much work I don't do it any more. I'm the kind of person who needs an answer to every question, so when i create a setting I don't feel like its done until every detail is finished and every aspect is covered. I spend more time working on world and setting than I do on the rest of the game, so I don't do it any more.

My current game is set in Weryth and centers on a war between two provencinces located near the border with Angharad. It bothers me to no end that I don't have these provinces completely mapped, populated and plotted but I'm forcing myself just to flesh out details as they are needed because I want to spend more time getting into the game itself.

Message 11125#118521

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On 5/10/2004 at 12:42am, Edge wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

I have played in Jason's Midnight conversion and i have to say i like it allot.

i also worked on a conan conversion and have to say i whole heartedly agree that it converts really well.

I have been doing a bit of work on a japanese conversion (different to jake's :) more based on a specific time period) as well as helping jase with the katanapunk setting ( i admit i haven't done nearly enough for this)

I have also been seriously thinking about a pendragon conversion but haven't found the time to work on it.

Message 11125#118523

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On 5/11/2004 at 1:43am, Turin wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Gah! Conan and TROS mesh as well as human flesh and a whirlwind of monofilament razors

Actually, from what I've seen TROS would work great in Hyboria, and that includes the strength/toughness thing I don't care for.

The strength toughness rules are a little far fetched for a realy realistic system, but would work great for Conan. You would have to give him an 8 in many stats to make him like the book, but the cinematic times when Conan "avoids the blow because of his barbarian quick reflexes - unlike that of the softer civilized people around him" or something like that. The books reference Conan's strength, will, agility, and toughness at least a few times per episode.

Conan was one I've my favorite book series as a kid, and TROS would represent the graphicness of the books also, as well as the extremely powerful sorcerers (aging is another issue)

Anyone tried or think TROS would work well with Gemmel's books like Druss, the Drenai Saga, Wayleander, etc.?

Message 11125#118716

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On 5/11/2004 at 4:26am, Paka wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

I ran Midnight with TROS and it worked like a charm, really added something to the game.

Before that I ran a one-shot in a city-state called Marsui that I hd written up for D&D but knew it was perfect for TROS the moment I laid eyes on it.

Message 11125#118735

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On 5/11/2004 at 5:37am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Given that the title of the game is borrowed from Conan, wouldn't it only make sense that the game supports the same gritty, no-holds barred fantasy that you see in Conan novels?

Message 11125#118747

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On 5/11/2004 at 1:48pm, Stephen wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

nsruf wrote: We just started a TROS game in Hyboria using Mongoose's Conan RPG for source material. I converted the races and equipment lists from the latter, and changed the consequences of spellcasting from aging to a corruption mechanic.

Can you point me to a description of that corruption mechanic, or retell it here?

Message 11125#118789

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On 5/11/2004 at 3:51pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

I seem to recal that someody had converted Harn to TROS.

I also fully support the Hyboria idea as essentially TROS. I believe that Wyerth was made to emulate Hyboria in most ways, actually, and the action of TROS suits it perfectly. Conan is the smart cookie who fights only when his SAs are on the line, and skedaddles when conflcits come up that aren't his concern.


Message 11125#118813

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On 5/11/2004 at 5:07pm, Sigurth wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

I have succesfully used and am continuing to use TROS for a Harnworld game.

See signature.

Message 11125#118840

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On 5/11/2004 at 9:41pm, nsruf wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Stephen wrote: Can you point me to a description of that corruption mechanic, or retell it here?

Here you go. Of only these boards supported LaTeX code, I could just cut-and-paste from my player handout source file;)

Using magic works as described in the TROS rules. However, the penalty for reckless spellcasting is a different one:

Every time a sorcerer casts a spell, he risks corrupting his body, mind and soul. Corruption is measured on a scale from 0 to 11 or higher. It is handled similar to magical aging in TROS, but for each month of aging indicated, a sorcerer gains 1 point of corruption instead

As soon as his corruption reaches 12 or more points, a sorcerer faces a serious choice: to resist corruption or to give in to it. Either way, his score is immediately reduced by 12 points.

If he chooses to resist, the strain costs him a point from a random attribute (roll d10: 1 = ST, 2 = AG, etc.). If he gives in, he has to roll on the table below and gain the indicated flaw. In case he already suffers from the minor version of a major flaw, it merely gets worse. However, if he has the flaw at the same or higher level, he can add a point to a random attribute instead: his depravity is so great it makes him stronger!

Giving in to Corruption

(Minor Flaws)
(Major Flaws)
..8..Sleep Disorder

* Sorcerer suffers chronic pains requiring a certain drug as remedy; start withdrawal at -3 penalty.
** Object chosen by Seneschal.

The idea was to have "white" mages who suffer silently and "black" mages who become ever uglier and conceited/disturbed, until they cross the threshold to inhumanity. This fits magic as portrayed in the Conan stories, and also in Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and Gray Mouser tales, IMO.

I can't tell how well the rules work, since I've just started my campaign. If you spot any major flaws (haha), please tell me.

Message 11125#118909

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On 5/11/2004 at 10:25pm, Turin wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Wolfen wrote:

Given that the title of the game is borrowed from Conan, wouldn't it only make sense that the game supports the same gritty, no-holds barred fantasy that you see in Conan novels?

It's been a while since I read the novels, but what is the relationship between the title of TROS?

Message 11125#118921

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On 5/12/2004 at 6:17am, Valthalion wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Mike Holmes wrote: I seem to recal that someody had converted Harn to TROS.

I am using Harn with TROS. I have been a Harniac for 20 odd years. I actually found out about TROS on the Harnic message boards. (Thanks Spartan!) To be honest the world of Harn is in such detail that I would find it hard to convert to anywhere else.
(I mean too much work)

The island of picti is a very similar shape and position to Harn, so I have sort of transported Harn into Weyrth and harn is middle ages (1100AD approx) and Weyrth seems to be late middle ages early renaisance so I have morphed harn to fit that period. (well picti seems to be about 4-6th century AD but anyway)

Actually I am basically running full TROS with add ins from Harn where TROS is less specific. (Encounters etc)
For anyone interested my campaign is set in Quimen in the Harnic kingdom of Orbaal. Quimen is the stronghold of the Order of Crimson Dancer a fighting order of the evil God Agrik, (a female order) who took the place by force about 17 years ago, killing all of the Jarin nobility (with the sanction of the King of Orbaal I might add). They are holding down the Jarinese peasants with brutality and torture.

The player characters are (with the exception of one) are locals. Either living in the town or just returning from exile.

I picked such an unpleasant place to give myself and the players some easy SA's, sort of as an introduction.

Knight Against Chaos

Message 11125#118996

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On 5/12/2004 at 7:52am, Tash wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Turin wrote: It's been a while since I read the novels, but what is the relationship between the title of TROS?

There is a line somewhere in Conan where he says he wants to understand the Riddle of Steel so he can stand before Crom on the day of judgement and answer as a warrior, or soemthing like that. One of my PCs has this as his faith SA and told me it was lifted word for word from Conan.

Message 11125#119017

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On 5/12/2004 at 9:35am, nsruf wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

I am quite sure it is not from the original Conan stories by R. E. Howard. It is definitely in the movie, and may have been taken from one of the Conan pastiches.

Message 11125#119037

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On 5/12/2004 at 6:39pm, Turin wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

There is a line somewhere in Conan where he says he wants to understand the Riddle of Steel so he can stand before Crom on the day of judgement and answer as a warrior, or soemthing like that.

Must be one of the movies. I always hated those, felt they never did any justice to the books

Message 11125#119127

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On 5/12/2004 at 9:41pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

It is and it isn't related to the movie. It's really more of an unfortuante coincidence. I love Conan stuff (including the first movie--I just have to pretend that it isn't Conan), but from the outset the game was meant to be about philosophy and seeking...and about swords. Riddles, and Steel. So I came up with it independantly, I guess, but all the while I knew that Oliver Stone had expressed the idea earlier (as had John Wick, more or less simultaneously to TROS, in Orkword). I was chagrined by it all, but nothing else fitted. So I went with it, hoping that the Conan-movie-relationship would (for the most part) blow over. For the most part it has.


Message 11125#119198

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On 5/13/2004 at 2:00am, Spartan wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Sigurth wrote: I have succesfully used and am continuing to use TROS for a Harnworld game.

I used TROS for Hârn, and it works smashingly. It's every bit as good as HârnMaster for Hârn with a bit of work. I think that once my current Hârn campaign (using HMG) winds down, I'll start another one using TROS. They're so good together I just can't stand it. ;)


Message 11125#119242

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On 5/13/2004 at 2:05am, Spartan wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Valthalion wrote: For anyone interested my campaign is set in Quimen in the Harnic kingdom of Orbaal. Quimen is the stronghold of the Order of Crimson Dancer a fighting order of the evil God Agrik, (a female order) who took the place by force about 17 years ago, killing all of the Jarin nobility (with the sanction of the King of Orbaal I might add). They are holding down the Jarinese peasants with brutality and torture.

Kick ass. Is Brigyth Cysemet going to make an appearance? What tweaks have you made to the system to suit Hârn?


Message 11125#119245

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On 5/13/2004 at 3:04am, Valthalion wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Spartan wrote:

Is Brigyth Cysemet going to make an appearance? What tweaks have you made to the system to suit Hârn?

Would you believe it but one of the characters chose Social Class B (Landless Noble) and Destiny Return Lands taken by the Crimson Dancer (I paraphrase)

I am still tinkering. I suppose the two biggest differences are that I sort of de-tolkeinsed Harn and made it more Celtic Mythology. (I think that TRoS is quite Celtic) So the Fey live in the Shava Forest etc Azadmere is a court of the Seelie etc. Actually it is the presence of the Siehe that is the biggest difference. It works quite well because the Jarin are fairly obviously Celtic based.
Practically speaking I took the map of Orbaal scanned it and enlarged it around Quimen about three hexes on a page. Then I used the detailed geography of the valley above quimen to plan my campaign, which is geographical rather than player based (never done that before either) So the valley is full of interesting places and people (Fairies and goblins heh, heh ) So, the characters are operating in the valley, they have struck their first blows for independence with a well orchestrated ambush. (Killing believe it or not 7 soldiers and two knights without loss of life. (Whoa 3 bowmen firing from a rock outcrop above a narrow defile. TRoS is cool)
Then they sabotaged the iron mine above Quimen (I love Harn too)

I suppose the answer to your question really is that I am morphing Harn more than TROS (I understand Harn far better, this is my first go at TROS)

Knight Against Chaos

Message 11125#119256

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On 5/13/2004 at 3:26am, Spartan wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Valthalion wrote: Would you believe it but one of the characters chose Social Class B and (Landless Noble) and Destiny Return Lands taken by the Crimson Dancer (I paraphrase)

Scary, that coincidence thing. :)

I suppose the two biggest differences are that I sort of de-tolkeinsed Harn and made it more Celtic Mythology.

Heresy!!!!!!!!! ;) :D

Yes, the Jarin are wonderful to use to insert Celtic themes into Hârn. There's just so much meat in Hârn in general, but Orbaal remains one of my favourite areas.

That being said, I really like what I've seen of Tharda through Sigurth's campaign, as before that was the area I was least interested in. I think my next TROS-Hârn campaign will be in Kanday, which borders Tharda. It might be neat to juxtapose the cultural differences of feudal Kanday with the Thardic Republic. I hope you post some of your campaign notes, Valthalion.


Message 11125#119259

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On 6/14/2004 at 8:34pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Turin wrote: There is a line somewhere in Conan where he says he wants to understand the Riddle of Steel so he can stand before Crom on the day of judgement and answer as a warrior, or soemthing like that.

Must be one of the movies. I always hated those, felt they never did any justice to the books

dredging up a slightly old thread for the sake of completeness.

Having just watched the movie again this weekend I can confirm the following.

At the beginning of Conan, Conan's father refers to the "Enigma of Steel", calling on his son to solve the mystery and answer the riddle.

Thulsa Doom refers specifically to the "Riddle of Steel" during his interview of Conan following Conan's failed attempt to infiltrate the ceremony saying "you know what the answer is don't you boy..." before launching into his "what is steel compared to the hand that wields it" speech and commanding a initiate to jump to her death to demonstrate the power of flesh.

Pretty cool.

Message 11125#123455

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On 6/14/2004 at 8:45pm, Fleinhoy wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Planning to implement it into the Warcraft setting since I have a deep and genuine loathing for D20.

Someone mentioned replacing the magical ageing with corruption, I'd be interested in knowing how you did that.

Message 11125#123458

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On 6/15/2004 at 4:02pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

The Conan film is a mixed bag. It tries to do a lot, and does some of it pretty well. The riddle scene is oft quoted around my game table. In fact, from what I understand, some of the swordfighting was choriagraphed by somebody who knew some actual WMA. Meaning that the swordfighting isn't completely unrealistic.

In any case, again, whether it's the books or the movie, TROS fits the Hyborian Age like a glove.


Message 11125#123564

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On 6/15/2004 at 8:28pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Mike Holmes wrote: The Conan film is a mixed bag. It tries to do a lot, and does some of it pretty well. The riddle scene is oft quoted around my game table.

Oliver Stone co-wrote the script, you know. It's actually a good movie, especially given the status of fantasy films in the early 80's. There's some fun philosophic tidbits in places (I love Conan's discussion about religion with the Hyrkanian). It's also interesting to see how they stole individual scenes out of the original stories without actually using any of the original stories...

In fact, from what I understand, some of the swordfighting was choriagraphed by somebody who knew some actual WMA. Meaning that the swordfighting isn't completely unrealistic.

It's crap. Nobody knew anything about WMA in 1981, anyway (at least as it pertained to the weapons in CtB). There's a clear kendo influence, though, which shows up in the kata and in the stances (but not the horrible edge-banging in the fights with Rexor, nor the inverted-grip that he likes to twirl the sword with). Argh... Rant over.

In any case, again, whether it's the books or the movie, TROS fits the Hyborian Age like a glove.

Yeah, baby. I didn't realize how much, actually, until I re-read the first dozen Conan stories. Neat.


Message 11125#123619

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On 6/15/2004 at 10:02pm, Emiricol wrote:
RE: TRoS game mechanics; game worlds other than Weyrth

Anyone have superior links to reference material etc for the setting?

Message 11125#123636

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