Topic: Forgeites at KublaCon '04 in SF Peninsula
Started by: John Kim
Started on: 5/9/2004
Board: Conventions
On 5/9/2004 at 9:51pm, John Kim wrote:
Forgeites at KublaCon '04 in SF Peninsula
So who is attending KublaCon? It will be May 28-31 in Burlingame on the SF Peninsula.
I'll be there and running two events. Neither of them will be Indie RPGs, unfortunately. The first is a Conan RPG (cf. Conan Test Run), while the second is a Star Trek event using the HERO system.
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Topic 10829
On 5/16/2004 at 10:35pm, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
RE: Forgeites at KublaCon '04 in SF Peninsula
I'm going, running one game that was never mine (Slayers d20 and one game that is mine no longer HeartQuest.
Is everyone secure with rooms? I have one reserved, but might have to cancel if I can't rasie enough cash fast enough to pay the bill. So if anyone has room space, let me know.