The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Greetings and Requests
Started by: joe_llama
Started on: 12/31/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/31/2001 at 4:33pm, joe_llama wrote:
Greetings and Requests

Greetings everyone!

Before I begin, I would like to say that this forum is the best I've seen in a long time. I still ask myself how is it possible that I missed it completely for so long. I spent the last couple of weeks just reading all kinds of threads posted here. THIS PLACE IS A GOLD MINE! By the time I finish reading a thread, I have no time to post some of my own thoughts. This being my first post, I want to express my gratitude to all who have written on this message board so far - you are doing holy work. It amazes me that you have the time and patience to write such elaborate posts AND replies - where do you find the time?

OK, enough of flattery. Let's talk business:

I was going through some old boxes in my basement, and unexpectedly I came across a deck of Tarot cards. After playing with them for a couple of days, I decided that my next project would be a Tarot-based RPG. I am aware that my idea isn't original, but it's still my desire to design such a game.

Lately, I have become fond of RPG's where the system and setting are highly integrated with each other (as opposed to my Hero System days). My Tarot game would also rely heavily upon setting to generate the game mechanics.

Now, I consider myself a 'man of science' so I have little access to mysticism and/or the occult. I realize that there are many books on the subject, enough to refill a lumbered forest, but I don't know where to begin. Another good source for info is the world wide web, but it is similarly vast as the occult section in the nearest library.

My request is simple (I think): Can you recommend of any good web sites or books on mysticism and the occult? (websites preferred, since I'm a bit short on money).

Please bear in mind that a 'good website/book' in my case is one that gives plenty of setting material to work with. So far, all the sites I've entered provided me with free Tarot readings and occult catalogs. Also, my main interest is Tarot, but other sources could prove useful in the future.

With respect and thanks in advance,

Joe Llama

ps - for an exciting treasure hunt, visit your local basement :smile:

Message 1116#10463

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On 12/31/2001 at 5:01pm, mahoux wrote:
RE: Greetings and Requests

Try this for a good brief tarot card summary:

I myself have finished up a game overlay using tarot magic. The whole point here is that everyone has some kind of magical potential, and most of the magic is "the magic within" kind of stuff. You know, the Force set on the Warm setting.

Anywhoo, there is plenty o' stuff out there. And don't neglect your library's Time-Life books section. Bizarre Phenomena exists, like this lady from Scarsdale...

Message 1116#10470

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On 1/1/2002 at 3:43am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Greetings and Requests

Also, to take things from the RPG side, a couple of games need to be checked out if you're going the Tarot route. First is Everway, which uses an original deck (called the "Fortune deck") based on Tarot concepts, like upright vs. reversed meaning. Second is Psychosis: Ship of Fools, which uses a very interesting and effective Tarot resolution mechanic, which I would have liked to have seen applied to more games than just this one.


Message 1116#10515

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On 1/2/2002 at 8:14pm, joe_llama wrote:
RE: Greetings and Requests

Thank you both for your replies - they were very helpful.

Unfortunately, my hands are full of work right now, so the Tarot game will have to wait a while. I hope to share some of my ideas with you when I return.

Respect and thanks again.

Joe Llama

Message 1116#10574

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On 1/4/2002 at 5:00pm, Laurel wrote:
RE: Greetings and Requests

Joe, when you do have time to take the tarot game off the back burner, I can give you helpful imput. I've studied the tarot from both psychological/academic and mystical/applied perspectives for about 15 years ranging from writing articles to... *hides her head*... being a professional psychic for PRN, those scary infomercial people... for six months back in '97- my first job post college.

I'll never do a tarot game myself for personal reasons but I'd help someone else get the resources they need and jabber about tarot with them.

Message 1116#10675

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On 1/6/2002 at 7:13pm, joe_llama wrote:
RE: Greetings and Requests

Thank Laurel. It's very kind of you. I'll get back to you in two weeks from now.

Yeah I know, who's gonna remember me in two weeks...

Anyway, my life is a mess, gotta go. :)

Thanks again.

Joe Llama

Message 1116#10759

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