The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Room search for GenCon
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 5/11/2004
Board: Connections

On 5/11/2004 at 11:14pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
Room search for GenCon

I'm seriously considering going to GenCon this year, it'll be my fourth GenCon, the last one being about 7-8 years ago...

Indie booth aside... Is anyone planning on getting one of the "large rooms to crash in"? Pretty much whether I go or not will be determined by:

1) Whether hotel rooms are available.
2) Price.

That's why I'm looking to crash with people. Even a "group room" will be fine, I've got a sleeping bag.

Let me know, here or via PM, if anyone's planning a room.


Message 11173#118940

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On 5/14/2004 at 2:43pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Room search for GenCon


Here's a similar post that I posted on RPGNet:
I'm on the edge, man. I can't decide one way or the other.

On one hand, I'm saving up for a house this year. On the other, I've got more than enough "side cash" to get there and back, stay at a hotel, eat and buy about $200 worth of games without a strain.

Reason I ask is because I'm looking for one of those rooms where some not too obnoxious people get together with a bunch of other not too obnoxious people together to share a hotel room close to the Con.

Anyone have one that they're looking for a non-snoring, nonsmoking, hygenic and geeky as fuck yet not in the "Simpsons Comic Book Guy" sense gamer to share? I've got my own sleeping bags, etc.

Else, if not, maybe a handful of similar gamers interested in getting together and looking for a room to share? I'm mostly looking for, in order of preference:

A1) People who can and will pay.
1) Relatively hygenic people. No BO, no cheese doodle dust on everything.
2) Non-snorers (or people who can control it COMPLETELY with Breathe-Rite strips and the like).
3) Relatively socially apt people. By this, I actually mean nothing more than "People who will kindly go to the bathroom to quietly jerk off or fuck, rather than in front of others".

Anyone? Again, if no one's looking for an extra, and I do decide to go (will be within the next 2-3 weeks), I don't mind organizing something for us scragglers.

I so far haven't heard from anyone who is going and has space, else is going and interested in sharing a room. I'm thinking of being a Forge Booth Babe, but I need the Prerequisite Place to Stay before I run and lock my place in.

Message 11173#119556

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On 5/14/2004 at 4:01pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Room search for GenCon


Greg Porter posted his willingness for room-sharing (with I presume similar standards) in another thread, as well as at least one other person ... take a look through the recent GenCon threads. And yeah, whoever can, group up - the after-hours late-night role-playing jams have been among my favorite parts of GenCon for the last four years.


Message 11173#119573

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