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Topic: color print-on-demand
Started by: xiombarg
Started on: 5/12/2004
Board: Publishing

On 5/12/2004 at 8:12pm, xiombarg wrote:
color print-on-demand

Well, it seems that booklocker can do color POD printing. It's pricer than or, but it might lower the barrier for people who want to do a full-color extravaganza like the 1st edition Changeling book.

Anyone know anything about this outfit? Anyone else have any experience with a POD outfit that does color? How does booklocker's pricing compare to other POD outfits?

Message 11186#119167

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On 5/12/2004 at 11:04pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: color print-on-demand


I asked Media Express - the guys who did My Life with Master - about this a few months back. My request:

fifty pages (36 B&W, 16 full color), 50#
color cover, 65# opague
perfect bound

Their response:

Print run of 50: $6.90 per copy
Print run of 100: $5.56 per copy

Hope this info helps.

- Scott

Message 11186#119213

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On 5/12/2004 at 11:12pm, madelf wrote:
RE: color print-on-demand

I thought would do color...

Message 11186#119216

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On 5/13/2004 at 12:40am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: color print-on-demand

I asked Media Express - the guys who did My Life with Master...



Message 11186#119232

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On 5/13/2004 at 12:45am, talysman wrote:
RE: color print-on-demand

madelf wrote: I thought would do color...

yep. says so right here. will also do color printing on a book with more pages than, which seems to be limited to no more than 120 pages. compare this to lulu's comment "Very, very long books (over 800 pages or so) may have to be printed in volumes."

for booklocker, you will need to spend $299 on setup plus buy 20 copies at $9.72 each, which is $493.40 total outlay.

for lulu, there is no initial outlay.

Message 11186#119233

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On 5/13/2004 at 4:14am, xiombarg wrote:
RE: color print-on-demand

talysman wrote: for lulu, there is no initial outlay.

Okay, I wasn't aware that did color... So they're behind the curve on that one, then. They claim to be competitive with other POD services, but I suspected their comparison was selective. ;-D

Message 11186#119271

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