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Topic: [FT Divergence]Initial ideas, opinions desired, more to come
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 5/15/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 5/15/2004 at 3:48pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
[FT Divergence]Initial ideas, opinions desired, more to come

I've posted about the CG before, Final Twilight, and my intent to make it an RPG/TCG hybred, and for the most part I think I've done a fair job of making it, except as a more combat oriented RPG, but those do exist~

Next step, for myself, is to bridge that a little more, which I *hope* to do with Final Twilight - Divergence.
Divergence is a "sourcebook" on using the card game as a role playing game. Each Player would need a deck of Twilight and one copy of Divergence for the GM. The decks contain all of the cards and dice otherwise needed.

So far, most of the rules for Divergence use the rules for the card game ie:
- Combat is performed d6+Attack Mod vs d6+Defense Mod
- Characters are only allowed to use cards/items/etc from their Factions

Divergence expands on that :
- Actions/Reactions are performed via d6+Mod vs Difficulty Value (Determined by Game Master). Character recieves bonuses from equipment as they would in the CG (Items or effects that add to Attack will typically add to Actions, Defense bonuses to Reactions). Spells and other cards will also interact differently
- Expanded information on the factions, "classes", "races" etc Looking to use three races initially: Humans, Vampires, Mages (plus a rare, sub-segment of Humans called "Mystics" - Human, but with a singular uncontrolable supernatural ability)
- Unique Character creation (question was posed before "What if we don't want to play your predefined characters?") using a lot of the techniques I use for designing the Major Character cards, except a little more open-ended and scaled back intially to allow for growth
- Explanation of an "Encounter Deck" for truly random encounters
- "Interpreting the Cards" segment looks at the cards of Trinity more closely as well as providing tips for evaluating future expansions for Role Playing possibilities
- a whole LOT of source material about New Metropolis and the world of Final Twilight in general

Realism is NOT a desire- more cinimatic, story(check the story on the site to see more of the source material), and closer tied with my "physics" for the world.

Right now, I'm still working on several adjustments for this and what not. I've got a fair bit written already actually, just need to "translate" alot of the TCG rules. For people who become familiar with the TCG, Divergence wouldn't be diffuclt to grasp at all.
What I'm looking for opinions on:
1) I know I've just outlined some of the ideas, but thoughts on those that were are appreciated (can explain more if desired)
2) Thoughts on such a combination, why it might or might not work
3) If this does work, what would be an 'ideal' release: A compiled book of information later or a new "version" as each set is released, expanding and exploring the information presented in each set?

Not much posted I know, got lots of questions myself, going to be posting a workable version quickly here (was amazed what I already actually accomplished just sitting down and thinking about it!) for some thoughts~ Its not really going to be playtested or anything when I do aside from what I've already done with the card game (first set of which is completed and about to be released), but~

Message 11230#119736

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On 5/16/2004 at 3:53am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: [FT Divergence]Initial ideas, opinions desired, more to come know something? I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum...can someone kindly move this over to Indie Game Design?

Message 11230#119785

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On 5/16/2004 at 11:59pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [FT Divergence]Initial ideas, opinions desired, more to come


Sure, it's moved ... but I'd also like to call for some specific points or inquiries. At the moment, this post reads a lot like a Design Journal entry, which is to say, it doesn't say very much except that you're working on the game. Can you clarify a topic for discussion?


Message 11230#119854

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On 5/17/2004 at 5:26am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
"Using cards instead of dice"

Tried to with the last few questions, but can clear that up-

I'm looking for others thoughts or opinions on using more of the Cards as opposed to the Dice or even Sourcebooks and how people think something like that would work.
Also looking at this question: Divergence is intended to FOLLOW the CG, not replace it. The CG is slated for at least one release a year, meaning a trickle of information for "sourcebooks" - each set has a story and a focus, so each Divergence book would expand on the material covered in the CG/Story. Would such a structure work or (as I'm thinking) would it be too limited, better suited for a complete release once I've covered the material I wanted in the CG?

Mebbe I can help things along with some idea of how I envision this working:

There are two players and a GM- each player has six cards on the table: one represents their character, another two represent items the character has and the other three are Spell cards (from the CG) representing spells or abilities.
The players are exploring a large laboratory complex in the middle of the night, snooping around.
*rough idea* The complex is a randomly constructed building- even the GM doesn't know the layout because its been constructed with a Building Deck - laying cards face down to create a field, turning over new cards as the players "enter" the room. */rough idea*
Turning over one of the Cards/Rooms, the players find a mark indicating an encounter- the GM draws a card from an Encounter Deck's a Zombie!
Rather like the approach myself...

Player A: "I'm walking along the darkened corridor with my back to the wall, my gun held high. I reach the door at the end of the corridor and look back at my partner, making sure he's ready." *other player nods* "I throw open the door-"

GM: *turns over the card for the next room and grins, places it face up, players see notation "A shadowy form darts away"*

Player B: "Crap! I charge up to <player a>'s side at the doorway, shining the light with one hand and holding my gun out with the other!"

GM: *rolls die, keeps result hidden but rolls a 2. Draws two cards from "Encounter Deck" discretely and looks at them* "Your light shines across the room. A moving shadow out of the corner of your eye catches your attention."

Player B: "I throw the light on it and try to aim at the same time-"
Player A: "I also swing around to try to get a bead on it-"

GM: *lays down one card* "The light falls on a small, furry form with a long tail, looking up at you curiously. Behind it, you can make out a fallen glass container."

Player B: "Its a lab rat. Thats it."
Player A: "But...what caused the aquarium it was in to fall?"
Player B: "Oh shi...I throw the light around another corner of the room- *GM makes a discrete roll - creature evades detection*"

GM: "The lab is in complete disarray: Cages broke, aquarium containers appears as though the room has been ransacked." *makes another roll*

Player A: *to Player B* "What ever it you think its still around?"
Player B: "Could be..." *something dawns* "Slowly, I look up at the ceiling, moving the light slowly as well..."

GM : "The light moves up the wall slowly and into the steel ceiling of the building. As it comes to almost facing straight up, you make out feet covered in graying flesh, torn and ripped jeans, on up along the torso and finally making out a face...a hideous, snarling face with bloodshot the light reaches it, it growls hungerly and drools..." *lays down Zombie card*

Player A: "<statement of surprise>! A Zombie is on the ceiling!"

Or it could have been just the rat, still giving the players a surprise. OR, the Zombie could have been it and just leapt out~
Personally, I think it would be a fun exercise in gaming on the fly~ Would use a few more Cards, but the TCG would provide much of the basis of needed cards while some software I use for the card design could be tooled to create pieces for individual missions/adventures.

Looking for discussion then on using cards to substitute several componants instead of dice or sourcebooks and the like~ Cards for character sheets, maps, and with using the CG's Attachment cards the need for actual sourcebooks at a gaming session is diminished if all the rules are on the card.

Message 11230#119890

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