The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Seeking Christian Moore
Started by: Ryan Ary
Started on: 1/3/2002
Board: Publishing

On 1/3/2002 at 5:47am, Ryan Ary wrote:
Seeking Christian Moore

Hey anybody know how to reach this guy? He was the owner of Last Unicorn Games. Sold it to WoTC. I want to talk to him about a copyright. All LUGs pages were taken down by WoTC so I haven't found email, an address, a number or anything.

Please help! A copyright is a terrible thing to waste.

Ryan Ary

Message 1125#10594

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On 1/4/2002 at 5:25am, Le Joueur wrote:
RE: Seeking Christian Moore

Ryan Ary wrote:

Hey anybody know how to reach [Christian Moore]?

Please help! A copyright is a terrible thing to waste.

Well according to this site his email is And AoL says:

Location: Camp Hill, PA USA
Hobbies: writing, gaming, diving
Computers: Mac Powerbook 160, LC II
Occupation: writer

But not whether he still reads his email under this account. Elsewhere I learned that he was hired as Decipher Inc's role-playing game and miniatures product manager in a press release dated March 16th, 2001.

That's right, I'm quite the search-hog.

Fang Langford

Message 1125#10643

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On 1/4/2002 at 12:22pm, Ryan Ary wrote:
RE: Seeking Christian Moore


You are da Mane! I don't have AOL so thanks. You should seek work in a law office! They would pay you scads of cash to pull info out of your hat like that.

Again your Awesome and qualify as the Demi-god of lost facts.

Message 1125#10653

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On 1/4/2002 at 2:15pm, Le Joueur wrote:
RE: Seeking Christian Moore

Ryan Ary wrote:

You should seek work in a law office! They would pay you scads of cash to pull info out of your hat like that.

I’m not sure the stress would be worth it.

Again you’re awesome and qualify as the Demi-god of lost facts.

Thank you for the compliment; you aren’t the first. As a matter of record, about 5 years ago, I began carrying a sign at conventions (I participate in writing, science fiction/fantasy, and role-playing gaming conventions) that says in big letters "ANY QUESTION ANSWERED." (I am working on being a ‘legend in my spare time,’ and people do stop me on the street now.)

My childhood hero was Groucho Marx so I have never had a question left unanswered. (Not all answers are true, and I accept the fact that sometimes the answer is "I don’t know," but I have made every attempt to make my answers correct, complete, or at least funny - I seldom use IDK and I hateTLAs.)

I also have similar business cards (including the ‘fine print’ on the back), and an email address for similar material: send your toughest questions to (Share it with your friends!) Eventually, there will be a web site when I can manage the content.

Fang Langford

Message 1125#10655

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On 1/4/2002 at 9:19pm, Ryan Ary wrote:
RE: Seeking Christian Moore


No really, I think thats great. Sort of the hermit on the cybermount, if you will. You never know, maybe you'll get a research grant from the Gov't to peer into all types of strange recesses. Someone's got to do it after all. Curiosity being the driving nature of man and all that.

Thanks again and have fun


Message 1125#10695

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