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Topic: Intrigue in Mu's Bed II - Fleshing Out the NPC's and Bangs
Started by: Paka
Started on: 5/18/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 5/18/2004 at 8:32am, Paka wrote:
Intrigue in Mu's Bed II - Fleshing Out the NPC's and Bangs

Interactions with the NPC's of the R-Map

The Witch King
Overlord of Stygia,
Master of Lemuria,
High Warlock of Mu’s Bed

Father of The Prince and Lovers with Lady Dresda

The Witch King was in one scene with both players. His presence was about where I wanted it. I'd like to make up a few of his Demons, think about him with some more depth and know what Needs he has to see to.

Lady Dresda
Witch-King’s Concubine

Mother of The Prince and lovers with the Witch King

Dresda was in a few scenes with Ardash and needs some fleshing out, particularly any Demons she has.

She aided her brother with the summonginf of the Spirit of Lost Beauty, making sure their looks never diminish. Its a powerful object Demon with tremendous amounts of power.

The Prince
Witch-King’s Heir

Son of Dresda and the Witch King and lovers with Carv

He came out well and his relationship with Ardash really made him all the more human.

Witch-King’s Assassin (formerly the Duke's Assassin)

Lovers with The Prince

She was a great character who ended up challenging the Prince to a public duel that Amaranth prevented with clever role-playing. She wound up giving up her post as assassin and left town.

The Witch-King, fearing her wrath, sent soldiers to kill her. She got away.

There was a nice scene between her and Amaranth before she left town.

Duke Malteek
Lord of Mu’s Bed

Father of Kessen

Only seen at a distance but Amaranth is certainly intrigued by her mysterious grandfather. I should give him some thought in case she seeks him out.

Now that his only daughter is dead, he should be rather desperate.

Kessen Malteek
Mu’s Bed socialite

Daughter of the Duke and Lovers with Doggod

Amaranth ended up strangling her with her Demon, adding to Hassan's power. Everyone thinks Carv killed her because Kessen was rumored to be betrothed to the Prince, her lover. Carv wanted to drag her into the desert and sell her into slavery but Amaranth beat her to it.

Slave-master of the Witch King

Lovers with Kessen

Doggod was at least honest with his daughter, although blunt and often cruel. Amaranth figured out that he has Demon blood in his veins. He left Mu's Bed to track down Carv and kill her because he believes, like everyone else in the city, that she killed Kessen.

The 2nd round of Kickers

Amaranth - She wakes up covered in the blood of her first period with a strange man in her bed. She realizes that it is her Demon, Hassan. He smiles, "It is time to add a new dimension to your relationsihp."

Adrash - The Prince has been tutored in Sorcerery and his Cydonian Lore by his loving uncle. Ardash realizes that his nephew has summoned the ancestor of the last Cydonian Empress, who has possessed a visiting Princess who is interested in marrying the Witch-King's heir.

Other NPC's

Melody - Concubine rival of Ardash, who he caught meeting with a servant of the Damsel Messiah, whose religion is outlawed in Mu's Bed. As punishment she was handed over to Dresda and Ardash, who destroyed her beauty in a vicious rite to summong the Spirit of Lost Beauty.

Now she is a deformed servant in the concubine's quarters, a living reminder not to betray the Witch King and of Ardash and Dresda's cruelty.

3 Slaves - Amaranth took 3 slaves who had escaped from Doggod as her priests, for her newfound Temple in Mu's Bed.

The Exorcist - A so-far mysterious figure who has gotten away from an ambush clevery set up by Ardash who Contacted a Mummy Guardian. It is known that his sword has magical properties of some kind but none have realized that it is his Demon and it is a Demon-eater.

Amaranth's Mentor - He is name don her character sheet but he hasn't been in-game yet. She has mentioned that she will seek him out now that she has left childhood behind and become a woman.

New Demons

The Midwife - Amaranth bound the spirit of the midwife who birthed her and then left the tent so that Kessen could strangle the child. only the wardership of Hassan saved the child's life.

Now she looks after the children, wishing to nurture life but the dysfunction of her role will become evident in this next adventure.

Desire - Redemption (from her life's sins)

Need - To nurture children

The Spirit of Lost Beauty - This object Demon is a silver mirror that Ardash and his sister summoned in an elaborate rite at the conclusion of the game. It is a viciously powerful Demon with powers to keep their looks from diminishing with time.

I look forward to many creepy encounters with strange reflections in other mirrors, dopplegangers of themselves out and about and the mirror demanding greater and greater sacrifices from its Binders. Eventually, it will ask that one of the siblings kills the other.

Desire - Power

Need - To see beauty broken and destroyed in its name.


*The Mirror Reflects - Ardash follows someone wearing his clothes to the hidden chamber where they keep the mirror. He should realize that it was his living reflection from the mirror, out for a stroll, doing the mirrors business.

*Meeting of the City's Cults - The various religions of the city should have a meeting with Amaranth to discuss theology and how the temples of Mu's Bed operate peacefully. No one wants a war between their angry desert deities.

*Lost Children - Amaranth realizes that any children who try to escape from her Temple's orphanage are strangled by the Demon she has put in charge of them.

*The Prince's Duel - Ardash is asked to be the second in a duel with the Prince. The opponent will be his obvious superior, the Prince will have something of a death wish since Carv left and his betrothed was myseteriously murdered.

*The Exorcist Strikes - Someone's Demon needs to be Contained, Punished and a Banishment should be attempted or his Demon should feed on it.

*Dignitaries Visit Hasan's Temple - The Prince's nuptials are still in the air after the death of his last prospect. Princesses from visiting lands will be in Mu's Bed. Perhaps one visits the Prophetess, asking for her fortune and how to best charm the Witch King's heir.

Things that need fleshing out:

Dresda's Demon

The Witch King's Demon(s)

The dignitaries who are seeking an alliance with Lemuria through a wedding with the Witch King's heir.

Amaranth's mentor

We should be playing this weekend, any thoughts, comments or further Bangs are appreciated.

Duke Malteek

I need to really think about what happens in this setting when Humanity goes to 0. It feels too vague and Ardash is at 1 Humanity.

Message 11267#120085

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On 5/18/2004 at 7:34pm, Paka wrote:
Re: Intrigue in Mu's Bed II - Fleshing Out the NPC's and Ban

I'm using this as a clearinghouse to think out loud about the game. It helps to write some things down and it always helps to have feedback.

Thanks for reading.

Paka wrote:

Melody - Concubine rival of Ardash, who he caught meeting with a servant of the Damsel Messiah, whose religion is outlawed in Mu's Bed. As punishment she was handed over to Dresda and Ardash, who destroyed her beauty in a vicious rite to summong the Spirit of Lost Beauty.

Now she is a deformed servant in the concubine's quarters, a living reminder not to betray the Witch King and of Ardash and Dresda's cruelty.
*Meeting of the City's Cults - The various religions of the city should have a meeting with Amaranth to discuss theology and how the temples of Mu's Bed operate peacefully. No one wants a war between their angry desert deities.

She's still alive and might be some kind of living servant of the Demon she was scarred to Summong. They haven't seen the last of Melody, whose name seems viciously cruel since her tongue was cut out and her hands taken off as part of the rite. Paula and I were wincing through the description.

Duke Malteek

The Duke was hoping to solidify his place in the Witch King's hierarchy with Kessen's marriage to the Prince. I feel there is a Bang here as Amaranth hears about her grandfather becoming a hunted man, driven from hearth and home to become a wastelands bandit.

Perhaps. Robert's character referred to him as Duke Superfluous, which was funny, bitchy and fitting.

Message 11267#120210

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