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Topic: ... i couldn't resist
Started by: hawklord2112
Started on: 5/18/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 5/18/2004 at 12:20pm, hawklord2112 wrote:
... i couldn't resist

i'm a Visio Junkie. and a character Sheet junkie. and being at work, i have no 3x5 cards. :(

Message 11269#120105

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...from around 5/18/2004

On 5/18/2004 at 1:11pm, hawklord2112 wrote:

ok then - how's about this. lumpley mentioned dropping the "Shield" trait since it wasnt used.

if you are playing this and maintaining the "knightly" feel (as opposed to the Knightley feel, which is more pervy and ...well... i'm sure it's not just me...) then you change "Sword" and "shield" to:
"Knightly Combat" and "Common Combat"
so one is swords, heavy armour, lances, all the trappings of nobility. and the other is... well, brawling, crossbows, pikes, clubs, and all the more rough and ready methods available (and allowed) for the masses.

oh and to everyone in the thread echoing the "i want kids" bit.... no you don't.. they are excellent, and rewarding, but until they hit 4-5 years old they will really cramp your RPGing....


Message 11269#120112

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On 5/18/2004 at 1:43pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Prydain etc fun for kids II (split)

The above posts were split from Prydain, The Hobbit, Pendragon ... fun for kids!. No big deal - carry on with the discussion.


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Message 11269#120118

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On 5/19/2004 at 2:51pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Prydain etc fun for kids II (split)

That's purty, Ross. Are you, um, available to do work like that? For other games?

Plus knightly combat vs common combat is smart, I think. I'll run it by my coauthors. I tried to convince them to go with another rule change I thought of and they were NOT HAPPY. Vegetables were thrown.


Message 11269#120393

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On 5/19/2004 at 9:37pm, hawklord2112 wrote:
character sheets, and stuff

you ask, i'll do my best. i'm no patrick M Murphy (aka madirishman) but i do my best for simple sheets for simple games (and often simple sheets for difficult games...)

Message 11269#120425

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...from around 5/19/2004