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Topic: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question
Started by: Malechi
Started on: 5/18/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 5/18/2004 at 3:21pm, Malechi wrote:
Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

Hey guys,

We've been having some discussions regarding Katanapunk and in particular the issue regarding armour. As Katanapunk is set in an era where armour was quite rare we've tried to come up with some other suitable alternative that would mean characters could perhaps survive beyond their first duel.

Hence we've "come up with" Zanshin.. I'm attaching a snippet from the draft for KP for your comment...

In addition to the normal Derived Attributes you should calculate for your character, Katanapunk features a sixth such ability. Zanshin indicates a variety of concepts that, while difficult to translate directly into English, correlate closely to a combination of situational and spiritual awareness and insight (not to be confused with the standard TROS insight).
Zanshin is determined at the beginning of play by the following formula: (Per + Wit + Ag)/2

Once in play, the character may make use of Zanshin to supplement their defensive combat pools and Terrain rolls when dealing with multiple opponents. While other pools refresh passively with time and situational factors, Zanshin only refreshes once the character actively engages in an activity that will refresh it. Zen arts, poetry, koans, Shinto and Buddhist ceremonies, musical creation etc all contribute towards regaining Zanshin. Each exercise refreshes the Zanshin total by an amount equal to their (WP + MA)/2 per day up to the maximum determined at character generation. Consult the following table for examples of Zanshin-refreshing exercises and activities. In addition to refreshing back to the maximum, certain Ryu teach Okuden to increase ones Zanshin. These techniques are taught to Shihan or higher level members of a Ryu and often involve rigorous drills, randori and spiritual techniques. GM's should encourage their players to create their own exercises when creating their schools at the beginning of play. Lastly, a fighter's Zanshin may increase by simple virtue of their experience in battle. For each battle where the character has no Zanshin available to him that he survives, the character gains 1 Zanshin point

anyways, let me know what you think guys...

Jason K... :)

Message 11272#120144

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On 5/18/2004 at 6:26pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

the concept is indeed cool and fits well with what I have seen of your KP conceptualization. But the final property for increasing the amount seems either to vague or too powerful. In a given game session I have an unarmored character who wins 3 or 4 battles without your mechanic and the potential to increase the zanshen to much, to easily, to fast is very high. or I am not understanding something.

Message 11272#120189

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On 5/18/2004 at 8:53pm, Tash wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

I like it a lot. Here's an idea to include: in addition to influencing combat pools the way you describe, how about allowing opponents to have a "zanshin battle" at the begining of their duel?

Each character rolls their zanshin against the others WP (SAs can be added to this roll if appropriate, i.e. I can tap my hatred for the man who killed my brother to crush his zanshin), with the winner's margin of successes being subtratced from the loosers zanshin pool for that battle.

This is in keeping with the idea (from Musashi and others) that you must defeat an opponent's spirit before you can defeat his body.

Additional idea: if you loose the opening zanshin battle but still triumph in the duel, you should regain 1 or 2 zanshin points. Basically your spirit was defeated but you still prevailed, so your confidence in yourself as a warrior becomes stronger.

Message 11272#120235

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On 5/19/2004 at 12:35am, Ashton wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

Ashren Va'Hale wrote: the concept is indeed cool and fits well with what I have seen of your KP conceptualization. But the final property for increasing the amount seems either to vague or too powerful. In a given game session I have an unarmored character who wins 3 or 4 battles without your mechanic and the potential to increase the zanshen to much, to easily, to fast is very high. or I am not understanding something.

Maybe the fact that you can only increase up to the maximum of the Zanshin pool and not above it?

Message 11272#120302

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On 5/19/2004 at 12:36am, Ashton wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

Now I understand what you meant by Zanshin techniques. I was thoroughly confused earlier.

Message 11272#120305

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On 5/19/2004 at 1:15am, Malechi wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

Ashren Va'Hale wrote: the concept is indeed cool and fits well with what I have seen of your KP conceptualization. But the final property for increasing the amount seems either to vague or too powerful. In a given game session I have an unarmored character who wins 3 or 4 battles without your mechanic and the potential to increase the zanshen to much, to easily, to fast is very high. or I am not understanding something.

I can see your point and I guess the vagueness of the description and the lack of tables that would detail the modes of Zanshin regeneration might stick out. I guess what I meant was that a battle where one is either outnumbered, or was facing a superior opponent. Something that really tests the combatant... Surely this eliminates "mook-pumping" and suits the concept much better :)

Tash: i had some quick notes about just exactly that set aside but was trying to figure out the exact implementation... thanks for your comments and ideas, they really helped :)

Does this kind of Zanshin Battle come into play already within the rules? is it similar to the White-White situation taht plays out over a few rounds? Could it be applied to the White-White-taunt mechanic that exists? instead of an actual taunt its more of a display of spiritual fortitude, you could apply Zanshin points to the rolls as described in the book...

anyway thanks for the comments guys, keep 'em coming :)


Jason K.

Message 11272#120309

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On 5/19/2004 at 1:16am, Malechi wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

Ashton wrote: Now I understand what you meant by Zanshin techniques. I was thoroughly confused earlier.

ahh yeah.. the Zanshin techniques as mentioned in the Kpunk playtest vague as it was, not surprising it was confusing heheehe

Message 11272#120310

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On 5/19/2004 at 2:23am, Tash wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

I was picturing it as something that occured only at the start of a 1v1 combat. Basically its the part of every anime with samurai where you see two guys facing off in a field. They grip their swords, their eyes narrow. One turn his foot a few degrees inward, the other shifts his blade down slightly....a menacing wind kicks up leaves and BANG they explode into a blinding flurry of action.

They fly past each other and the freeze...seconds pass and then one slumps, cut in twain by his enemy's blade.

That sort of thing :)

Message 11272#120317

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On 5/19/2004 at 2:49am, Malechi wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

I think that's still covered by the White-White standoff...both combatants know they're engaged in combat... frex

Yuki de shini no odorimasu (excuse the bad Japanese)

Snow falls

Two kenshi face off, swords in hand
Steely eyes, tightening grips and subtley shifting feet (stance selection)...(White-white...this could be the Zanshin battle right here. Its even possible that a combatant might leave the battle at this point, knowing he's no match for his opponent .. he lost the Zanshin battle and loses no Kao for conceding to the better opponent)

An explosion of Kiai and steel (Red-Red perhaps)


snow falls..

Close up of one kenshi..a look of sombre calm over his face, in a blurred out background we see the other kenshi.. stop.. look down.. and then slump into the snow..

the first swordsman flicks off the blood from his blade, sheaths his weapon and walks away...sandals crunching throught icey snow...

Message 11272#120319

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On 5/19/2004 at 5:05am, Tash wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

I don't think the taunting rules in white white accurately capture the essence of a zanshin battle. When you are taunting someone you are trying to tick them off enough to attack you.

This goes a step beyond, you are actively using your entire spirt, in essence the very heart of your warrior soul, to reach out and battle with your opponents own and crush it. Its a much more esoteric and intangible concept than tossing some nasty words back and forth hoping to get the other guy to strike first.

Message 11272#120345

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On 5/19/2004 at 5:25am, Malechi wrote:
RE: Katanapunk: Zanshin and the Armour question

oh yeah, thats what i was trying to get at... the Zanshin battle is used in lieu of the taunt rules.. i was sure i said that hehehe. Taunt rules still work, but only if you're an untrained swordsman who doesn't know how to use his Zanshin properly...

Message 11272#120349

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