The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Free adds & web design (not free)
Started by: Ranko
Started on: 5/20/2004
Board: Connections

On 5/20/2004 at 4:36am, Ranko wrote:
Free adds & web design (not free)

I'm planning to add some flavor adds to my site. And I remembered my old haunt - The Forge, and figured that I too could help the Indy Community. The deal is this: I would like an web-optimised image (I'm on dialup) I can modify to my chaotic needs, a blurb and a link to the site for the game you want me to place an add for. For start it will be a feature weekly add, but I will collect them all and archive them on a page.

Note: I will not do the standard add rotators, but am trying a few things to see how they will be ignored.

The site in question is my L5R fan site - and the associated (award winning) forum. Please send the stuff to "ranko at"

Also, if anyone needs a cheap site, including the possibility for cheap hosting, let me know, as I am again looking for some freelace work; and will work cheap for gaming industry people (until you hit the big bucks ;) )

Message 11295#120466

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