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Topic: Burning Legends: of Blood, Romance and the Will of a People
Started by: Ian Freeman
Started on: 1/4/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 1/4/2002 at 6:39am, Ian Freeman wrote:
Burning Legends: of Blood, Romance and the Will of a People

Before I start I just want to thank everyone who gave me comments in the other short little post. I have incorporated pretty much all the recommendations and I think it works smoother for it. I've also changed a lot.

So, before the link to it. The hook. Just what is Burning Legends (anyone got a better title?)?

Burning legends is my attempt to create a system of resolution and character generation that is entirely inspired by what I see as being the conventions of the High Fantasy genre. I like to think it's a system that handles the genre well.

As for the Premise. The real meaty hook goes here. It is cultural conflict. Once the ultra lean setting shows up it will center around a huge number of disparate cultures seperated by swaths of land and sea who are suddenly pushed together by the opening of a huge series of portals all across the planet. Culture Shock. War. Trade. Crime. All the conflict you could ask for but instead of being driven by the usual stuff the core of the conflict is from deep seated cultural beliefs that refuse to budge.

the complete game can be found on my site. I hope you enjoy it!

There are a few questions I want to ask other than just general comments (those are great too):

Is it too long? It is quite long and I don't like that. Is it too long for your personal tastes?

How does it *feel* for the conventions of HF and cultural conflict. Do you think it will work?

Thanks for any comments in advance.

[ This Message was edited by: Ian Freeman on 2002-01-04 01:39 ]

Message 1133#10646

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On 1/4/2002 at 3:10pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Burning Legends: of Blood, Romance and the Will of a People


I am a big fan of U-manna, and I think you've incorporated it fairly well, here. I'm not sure everyone will agree, however. Might seem too mechanical to some, or not to match the literature (does being over the manna limit explain why Gandalf is unaable to escape Orthanc?). You may want to take a second look, possibly working towards something more specific to the tone you're trying to generate.

OTOH, maybe I worry too much.


Message 1133#10663

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