The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Supplemental info Online
Started by: Astrivian
Started on: 5/24/2004
Board: Publishing

On 5/24/2004 at 8:48pm, Astrivian wrote:
Supplemental info Online

I was just curious if anyone has either used or desired to use goofy online apendices to an rpg? I suppose (just brainstorming here) there are several categories of what i mean:

1) the 'manditory' extras This is stuff you have to have in order to keep playing. I don't like this crap; it is the Microsoft apporach to gaming: sell an incomplete product to hook 'em and then keep adding the rest of the pieces overpriced, and also incomplete.

2) truely supplemental stuff Shit like extra monsters, people, cultures, items, etc. Not stuff you really need, but sort of an expansion set to the original.

3) goofy stuff What if you could access the mating call of a specific monster? Or see the landscape of a particular area. Or perhaps download detailed maps of cities, towns, castles, etc.?

My question is: how much do players access these three catagories of info?

Personally, i think i would dig a game with a lot of goofy stuff. Just for fun really. But i am also a big fan of the supplemental stuff as it gives the game world more dimension and character.


Message 11356#121039

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