The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Seeking Anime-style artists
Started by: Space Cowboy
Started on: 5/25/2004
Board: Connections

On 5/25/2004 at 10:00pm, Space Cowboy wrote:
Seeking Anime-style artists

Entertainment company is seeking to add several highly-talented, anime-style artists to its staff. The original flagship product is a roleplaying game, but the company is seeking to also produce a webcomic that will serve as the basis for a graphic novel. The setting is a Space Western set in an alternate future, something of a combination of "Mobile Suit Gundam" and "Cowboy Bebop".

In addition to strong character art skills, ideal candidates will also be strong in one or more of the following: maps (city maps, star charts, dungeon maps, etc.), mechanical mecha (e.g., “Gundam”, “Macross”, “Patlabor”- not organic mecha (e.g., “Evangelion")), realistic (not stylized) equipment (e.g., tanks, cars, guns), landscapes, graphic design.

Please submit a detailed summary of experience, salary history, salary requirements, and either sample art or a link to an online portfolio. Strong preference for those in Los Angeles county. Compensation is based on experience and work rendered.

Please email all replies to

To see some samples of artwork already completed, please visit:

Message 11369#121246

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