The Forge Reference Project


Topic: I will happily trade search engine optimization for links...
Started by: cognizantchance
Started on: 5/28/2004
Board: Connections

On 5/28/2004 at 2:28am, cognizantchance wrote:
I will happily trade search engine optimization for links...


I am a professional Search Engine Optimization Consultant who is persevering on with an undoubtedly ill-fated plan to publish some RPG material. That being said I love indie games and I particularly enjoy the Forge, so I'll make the offer here...

I can review your website with an eye towards making it more attractive to search engines. Generally the changes I recommend are simple and beneficial, I have *never* reviewed a website without finding several elementary 'mistakes' They're not mistakes in terms of design goals or usability but there are usually equally acceptable alternatives that are much more appealing to search engine spiders, directly leading to better rankings for searches relevant to your site.

I will gladly do this in trade for a simple link from your website. This is not an attempt to draw away the visitors I bring you but rather to increase the number of relevant sites linking to my own.

I will provide references if you like, but I assure you that my bona fides are legit. I'm actually quite good at it, according to what shadowy sources available for objective analysis. I don't use any dodgy methods (in my field that is called "black hat" SEO) that might get you banned by search engines. I am strictly white hat, a regular Tom Mix.

Just to clarify the deal -- I will provide you with my entirely hand-written (no templates from me) Search Engine Optimization Report that describes the areas needing improvement and my change recommendations. This is not some sort of "free estimate" scheme, generally all of my recommendations can be implemented by even beginning webmasters. In return you will give me a link on your website (homepage is best--I only want a small text link but if you absolutely insist, you can put it on your links page instead).

You can send me a private message if you like, but I would prefer email to


Joe Preston
Cognizant Chance
(Please note that my own website is in terrible shape and only barely lurching off the ground--if that makes you nervous, please ask for my references)

Message 11398#121567

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