The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Gun-Fu Ghost Story
Started by: Paka
Started on: 5/28/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 5/28/2004 at 8:40pm, Paka wrote:
Gun-Fu Ghost Story

Rob (aka Scorpio Rising) has been running our 7th Sea game for years and hasn't played in a while, so I asked him what he'd like me to run whiel we're on hiatus and he e-mailed me the following.


Set in an ancient and byzantine walled city in china,
which has now been destroyed. The city is the home to
the dead and to spirits, and interacts with the
modern, Hong-Kong-esque city which stands in its

The Sorcerers are Ghost Masters, binding the spirits
of either the dead or infernal folkloric beasties to
their will. Humanity measures their resistance over
the power of the dead. When it falls to zero a
Sorcerer experiences true death and goes over to the
other side, becoming a demon himself, and subject to
the will of other Ghost Masters.

Each Sorcerer's first demon must be a Possessor. This
demon represents his "inner ghost" which he has
awakened in order to become a Ghost Master. The Inner
Ghost provides various Boost type abilities, allowing
the sorcerers to go forth and perform ... well not
really "heavenly" Kung Fu, but certainly a fair amount
of John Wooishness.

And that's all I got. But I was thinking it could be
a great backdrop to mix the ancient, entangled city
with its culture of ghosts with a modern chinese
cop/bad guy drama. Kind of 'City On Fire' with
'Spirited Away' going on in the background.

I like the vibe, very Planetary #3 but I disagree with his Humanity definition which I think it should be something about law, justice or family duty. I'm also not too keen on his first Demon has to be a possessor thingie but we're meeting at his girlfriend's graduation party tonight, so we'll hash it out then.

I will probably use many of the descriptors from Demon Cops but I'm rather stuck on Lore descriptors again but some are rooting around in my brain. We'll see.

Message 11407#121675

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On 5/28/2004 at 9:10pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Gun-Fu Ghost Story

Ooooooh... pretty! ^_^

I don't like the Humanity def either... and any Asian themed story has to have dual Humanity definitions, because nearly all Asian stories (most especially modern cop and feudal era dramas) are about conflicted loyalties, right?

I do like the Inner Ghost concept, thought. Only maybe not so much John Wooishness as Yuen Wo Pingishness or Shaw Brothersishness.

Ouch, I stubbed my tongue on that >.<

You guys don't live near Chicagoland, do ya?

Message 11407#121681

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On 5/28/2004 at 10:58pm, Paka wrote:
RE: Gun-Fu Ghost Story

I'm thinking of a plural Humanity definition, Law and Justice.

Debating, we'll see what Scoprio Rising thinks.

Law and Family Duty.

Thinking out loud here.

Nev, sorry, upstate New York...

Message 11407#121686

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