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Topic: Big 'ole robots - simple gameplay system
Started by: pilot602
Started on: 5/29/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 5/29/2004 at 9:25pm, pilot602 wrote:
Big 'ole robots - simple gameplay system

I've been browsing through the forums for a few days now and I'm glad I ran across the site as I've been working on my own little RPG for a few weeks now and thought I'd run the basic system by ya'll and see what you thought.

Premise: See title. ;)

Basic rules:

The basic system uses only (1)d20.

PCs: Players are responsible for at least one Pilot; and in certain play-styles, the player may aslo be responsible for a unique (identified by a rolled-for serial number) robot.

Each pilot has only one skill, the Combat Skill (CS). All movements, actions or Special Moves (SM) involve a roll against the CS (plus any applicable modifiers). The CS is determined by (when creating the pilot) by rolling (1)d20 three times, averaging the outcome and rounding up. The CS is reduced by one point as a reward for completing each tour of duty (20 individual missions). The most advanced pilot possible is a "level zero" pilot the least advanced pilot possible is a "level 20" pilot.

Pilots may die but the system is designed to protect the pilot from this with only three exceptions. These exceptions are all a rolled check against the CS so pilots should, for the most part, be fairly survivable. If a pilot dies the player must create a new pilot.

Special moves: Special moves (SM) are exactly that, special moves. These can be found in the ruleset, on the robot sheet (some robots will have unique special moves) or defined by the GM or scenario. They involve rolling a check against the CS plus a specific modifer for a specific move. Special moves come in two varieties: pre-set and dynamic. A pre-set outcome is described in the rules of the move. A dynamic outcome is outlined in the rules of the move but each "outcome" must be rolled for, similar to "firing solution" roll.

Special cases:
- Special Move costs may be reduced by one point after every thrity missions successfully completed in the same robot (this where the use of the robot serial numbers comes into play). If the pilot uses a different robot, or their assigned robot is destroyed, all special move modifiers are returned to rulebook-standard.

Gamestart: Initial sequence is determined by the GM or scenario or rolled for where high number wins and moves last and low number loses and moves first.

All actions are resolved over the course of turns. Each turn consists of two phases: Movement and combat.

First phase: movement. The losing side of the sequencing roll, or the pre-determined side, moves first. After this movement the player has an opportunity to declare the use of any special moves. The definition of the SM will list the action it performs, the outcome of those actions and the modifer that must be rolled in order for move to be successful. After the player moves, and any declarations made, the player must roll against his or her combat skill. This roll checks to see if the pilot successfully piloted the robot across the path he or she chose to follow. This roll also determines if any of the declared special moves will be attempted in the combat phase via the addtion of modifiers to the base CS.

There are three outcomes to the CS roll:
1) CS fail: If the player fails to meet his or her CS the robot falls and is down for one turn.
2) CS pass: If the player meets his CS then player may "advance" to the combat phase.
3) CS+SM pass/fail: If the player declares a special move the player must roll the CS plus the applicable modifier. However, the modifier is viewed as seperate number from the CS, meaning if the player rolls a number that meets the CS but does not meet the modifer the only penalty the player incurs is the loss of using the declared move for that turn. If the roll does not meet the base CS the robot falls.

Special cases:
- If a player elects not to move, the player will not roll a CS check. However, the player may still make a declaration and roll for a SM check.
- The CS rolls also serve to determine the flow of combat. The high number (between the two or more rolled CS) wins and moves last. The player with the low CS (or if the player did not move, no CS) loses and moves first.
- Multiple special moves (chaining SM). A player may declare the use of more than one SM so long as the total CS and SM modifiers added together do not exceed a maximum roll of 20. The rule set will have pre-made SM chains but players may design their own. However, multiple SM are viewed as one modifier meaning if the player does not meet the SM roll, all SM fail. Or, in other words, a chain is viewed as a whole and the individual SM may not be rolled for individually.
- A fallen robot will not be able to participate in the combat phase of the turn. No other penalty is incurred other than taking a prescribed amount of damage for falling. The opposing players must still roll a valid hit location in order to hit the robot.

Second phase: combat. The person who "moved" first will "fire" first. In actuality, combat is taking place in real-time, simultaneously so any damage incurred will not take affect until the following turn. The "move first, fire first rule" is simply for game-flow purposes.

If a SM has been declared, and successfully rolled in the movement phase, it's outcome will be resolved first. Special moves and standard weapons fire are mutually exclusive. Any special move used will bar the player from using their weapons. In other words, a player may choose either to use special moves or weapons systems, but not both, in any given turn.

If a special move has not been declared, or the roll failed, the player may elect to use any of their onboard weapon systems so long as those chosen systems are within firing range. The "firing solution" roll involves rolling the d20 for a hit location / miss outcome. Each robot has 12 sections randomly numbered. When an opposing player fires a weapon that player rolls for a location. If the roll comes up with a matching location muber that location is hit. If the number does not match any of the sections the shot is a miss. Each wepon system may be fired individually and each weapon must be rolled for. All robots/pilots will have access to the SM "Cluster Shot" in which all in-range weapons may be fired together using only one roll.

Damage is dictated by the SM or weapon system used. After all players have resolved their SM or fired their weapons the turn is over. Any and all damage is then recorded for all sides and the next turn starts with the movement phase.

It is here that the CS plays another role. The person who rolled the lowest CS from the previous turn will then move first at the start of the new turn. This is called the combat flow. Then, the process outline aboved is repeated until the goal of the scenario is reached or one side is destroyed.

The GM:
The GM will determine the initial sequencing if he or she chooses. The GM may also define the goal of the scenario and creat specific, scenario oriented special moves (i.e. punching through the prision wall and grabbing the person they are to rescue, Team A would need to roll CS + 12. etc.) The GM may also modify, disregard or impose any rule he or see sees fit to allow the scenario to run smoothly.


That's the basic system. The complexity of the game comes into the system with design of the robots which is open-ended as well as the design of the weapons systems which is also open ended. There a specific rules and formulas players may use to create their robot and weapons and the only "restriction" placed on them is the role-playing "cost" of the systems.

Does this system make sense? Is it fair? I guess my biggest question is about the "rolling for hit and location or miss outcome." There will always be roughly a 40% chance of missing with standard weapons fire ... I designed it this way because of the CS advancement. To counter this the use of special moves will become more important as the player advances. I dunno any suggestions or comments are welcome.

Message 11413#121728

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On 6/1/2004 at 7:58pm, pilot602 wrote:
RE: Big 'ole robots - simple gameplay system

Ok ... here's a "quick start" pdf with slightly expanded rules and two "robots." Oh, and "Big 'Ole Robots" isn't the actual title ... just a working title.

If anyone actually plays it send me a little feedback, please. Specifically any ideas on how to handle damage once you go internal (I have a few ideas aside from what's outlined in the quick start).

Message 11413#121981

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