The Forge Reference Project


Topic: favorite RPG session (split)
Started by: wyrm
Started on: 6/1/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 6/1/2004 at 5:59pm, wyrm wrote:
favorite RPG session (split)

My favourite Session was ... when I met the first girl gamer I've ever met. She's my girlfriend now ;-)

Message 11445#121945

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On 6/1/2004 at 6:47pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: favorite RPG session (split)


Welcome to the Forge! You'll notice that your post has been split into its own thread. The reason for that is that the thread had been silent for a while.

I invite you to check out the sticky posts at the top of the Site Discussion for some of the rules about posting at this forum, which explain ... well, a lot of things.

I also suggest that your post, right here in this thread, might be a very interesting topic for discussion on its own - but only if you really want to discuss it. If, instead, you were just being chatty and friendly, and don't actually want to tell everyone about you, your girlfriend, the game, and perhaps bring up some uncomfortable topics about real-people romance and in-game interactions ... then we should stop here.

Let me know,

Message 11445#121960

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On 6/1/2004 at 7:00pm, clehrich wrote:
RE: favorite RPG session (split)

Let me add a non-moderator vote of interest. Given the various fights -- er, I mean, intellectual debates -- about gender/sex and RPG players, I wonder if you would mind telling us a bit about how meeting your girlfriend through RPGs, especially given that she is the first female RPG player you've met, happened. I don't mean the technical details, but how the RPG context mattered (or didn't).

If you don't want to discuss it, that's fine too.

Message 11445#121967

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On 6/1/2004 at 7:02pm, wyrm wrote:
RE: favorite RPG session (split)

Hi, and thank you for the warm welcome!

Welcome to the Forge! You'll notice that your post has been split into its own thread. The reason for that is that the thread had been silent for a while.

I didn't know that. I have never been very active on the Forge, which makes me a newbie, more or less. Thanks for letting me know.

I invite you to check out the sticky posts at the top of the Site Discussion for some of the rules about posting at this forum, which explain ... well, a lot of things.

Yes, will do.

Well, I was just trying to do .. conversation, more or less. But if somebody wants to continue with this topic, go for it!


Message 11445#121968

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On 6/1/2004 at 7:05pm, wyrm wrote:
RE: favorite RPG session (split)

clehrich wrote: Let me add a non-moderator vote of interest. Given the various fights -- er, I mean, intellectual debates -- about gender/sex and RPG players, I wonder if you would mind telling us a bit about how meeting your girlfriend through RPGs, especially given that she is the first female RPG player you've met, happened. I don't mean the technical details, but how the RPG context mattered (or didn't).

If you don't want to discuss it, that's fine too.

Well, she was (and still is) a very sympathetic person, and a roleplayer by heart. We played Feng Shui. It surprised me a bit that she liked it, since it's more or less a game of mindless action (which makes it so funny and cool ;-)

There's not much to say. She doesn't game in any different way or something. She just likes the hobby, like I do, and is very talented.

Message 11445#121969

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On 6/1/2004 at 7:10pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: favorite RPG session (split)


You seem like a nice person, so let's do that discussion. Tell you what, though, let's keep it slow. Right now we're all on-line, but in reality, discussions here go reeeeal snail-like, so be prepared.

Above, Chris (clehrich) asked the crucial question: did actually role-playing have any kind of special role in the fact that you and your girlfriend became romantically involved? I mean, aside from the fact that it happened to be "the way we met."

If so (and only if), then I'm interested in the following:

1. What game system was it?

2. How many other people were involved, and did anyone have any reason to care about whether you two became romantically involved?

3. Had you two been playing together for a while, and if so, how long? Did you know one another prior to the game?

4. Did any in-game events turn out, in retrospect, to be flirting? What were they? How did you know (again, in retrospect) that your in-play decisions "worked" in terms of impressing or pleasing your prospective romantic partner?

5. If #4 applied, then what did other people in the group think of this, as you see it? Good? Bad?

You might be surprised, but I wrote a whole freakin' book on this topic (it's a supplement for my game Sorcerer), so this stuff really interests me. It's also part of an important topic at the Forge called "social context," so that's why you're getting all this interrogation.

And again, if I'm hitting your "stop" button with any of it, just let me know and we can call it.


Message 11445#121972

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On 6/1/2004 at 7:30pm, wyrm wrote:
RE: favorite RPG session (split)

Ron Edwards wrote: Heya,
Above, Chris (clehrich) asked the crucial question: did actually role-playing have any kind of special role in the fact that you and your girlfriend became romantically involved? I mean, aside from the fact that it happened to be "the way we met."

To be honest, I don't think so. I mean, we both share the same hobby, which is roleplaying. Still, that's not a terribly big factor of our love. Our relationship is based on more than just one common hobby.

Though RPGing was definitely a common basis for talking ... a good way for us to get to know each other.

So the answer is, in all honesty, no. RPGs were a ... medium might be the right word, a way of communication or just something to talk about, but that's not how I got my girl ;-)

I'll answer the other questions for the sake of completeness:

1. What game system was it?
That one of Feng Shui.

2. How many other people were involved, and did anyone have any reason to care about whether you two became romantically involved?
There were two other players, both of them good friends of mine. They had girlfriends at this time.

3. Had you two been playing together for a while, and if so, how long? Did you know one another prior to the game?
No, we met each other through the game. Our Storyteller, who is also a friend of mine, introduced us to each other. And yes, we played RPGs afterwards, and we still game often.

4. Did any in-game events turn out, in retrospect, to be flirting? What were they?
Not really. While I couldn't get my eyes of her during the games, it was all gaming. The flirting and the "off-topic talk" was afterwards or in the breaks.

You might be surprised, but I wrote a whole freakin' book on this topic (it's a supplement for my game Sorcerer), so this stuff really interests me. It's also part of an important topic at the Forge called "social context," so that's why you're getting all this interrogation.

Wow, really impressive! I consider this topic to be very interesting, yet I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject...

And again, if I'm hitting your "stop" button with any of it, just let me know and we can call it.

Why, all of you seem to be nice persons.

I have to apologize for my English, which is a little garbled at times. English is not my first language.


Message 11445#121975

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