The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The Return of Formless
Started by: jdrakeh
Started on: 6/4/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 6/4/2004 at 7:10am, jdrakeh wrote:
The Return of Formless

Yes, I know, it's like a bad night of 50s science fiction films gone even more horribly awry. Still, if you're feeling brave, I'd appreciate it if you'd at least take the time to look at the latest incarnation of Formless (if you actually end up using it, please let me know). You may download the (very rough) Formless playtest document here --->

James D. Hargrove

Message 11477#122352

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On 6/4/2004 at 4:57pm, Supplanter wrote:
RE: The Return of Formless

Hi James: Some interesting stuff. Quick reactions:

I like the way the Social Contract begins everything that follows.I think I'd like the system section to be about twice as long, with maybe as much more in examples of play. What's missing? All the stuff that makes Trollbabe worth ten bucks - setting out in detail how play should proceed. Specifically, the current version appears to be silent on who performs "the GM functions." Is there a GM at all? I think so, but on my reading it's only implied. Who is responsible for providing situation? A GM? The players? Consensus? What may and may not players add to the "Shared Improvised Space" as it were? I think you could actually get this across in another six pages. I'd also recommend adding one or more female names to your player examples. And like I mentioned above, I'd like as much "example of play" text as system text - not "this is how it would go" precis but actual, around-the-table dialogue. There's just no substitute for that kind of thing, particularly in a mechanicless (not to say systemless!) game.

Also, the word you're looking for at one point is "tenet," not "tenant."

Hope this helps.



Message 11477#122414

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...from around 6/4/2004

On 6/4/2004 at 8:53pm, jdrakeh wrote:
In total agreement

Thanks for the feedback, Jim. I'm in total agreement with you on all points and have plans to incorporate most of the things that you mentioned along the way. On to specifics...

Where a GM is concerned, there can be one, but it isn't necessary - I'll likely rephrase the text to read less like an instructional manual for a sole arbitrator.

I hadn't given much thought to including an example of play, but you're right - it's an invaluable resource and definitely something that needs to be included.

As to what players may add to the "Shared Improvised Space", the answer is "Anything that they like, so long as it contributes to the enjoyment to be had by the majority."

Thanks for pointing out the lack of female player examples (most of the names in the examples are actually past playetesters names) - I'd never have caught that on my own.

Again, thanks, and I look forward to further feedback.

Message 11477#122450

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...started by jdrakeh which jdrakeh participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 6/4/2004