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Topic: Most memorable characters
Started by: Sir Mathodius Black
Started on: 6/5/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 6/5/2004 at 5:15am, Sir Mathodius Black wrote:
Most memorable characters

Hey All,

This is just a thread for anyone to post a character(s) that they have played that are very memorable to them in one way or another. Ill get the ball rolling.
One of my favorite characters ive ever played was Sir Vhailor von Arathan, a Stahlnish knight serving under his brother who was acting King in southwestern Stahl. He was a bit of a knight, a bit of a general, and a bit of a court advisor. He was extremely loyal to his brother and a bit of a philanthropist, but was torn when he found out that his brother had become corrupt (bringing the SA's into play). He was thrown into all sorts of epic quests, the climax being where he commanded a massive army in defense of his land against an army of Gols sweeping in from the Iron Tooth Mtns. Although he died in the final battle, he also smote the Gol king, and was remembered as a hero among his people.

Id love to hear everyone elses memorable characters, so bring em in!


Message 11493#122496

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On 6/5/2004 at 3:57pm, Salamander wrote:

I have one who is hardly as great as that, but quite memorable.

This is one from my Renaissance Campaign.

Draco of Firenze (aka Draco the Wacko to his, err... "friends")

A friend of mine decided he was going to put together a gifted human for the game. He handed me the character sheet and the first thing I noticed was his flaw, "HAUNTED"... The second thing I noticed was his Opium (Laudinum?) addiction...

Four of the first six sentences out of the players mouth were addressed to somebody not at the gaming table... It was pretty cool, actually.

During his adventures, he pissed off people and chased a kid whom he suspected were gifted, but he didn't really know why. He also managed to spear a walking dead with his rapier and thought he was doing pretty good until it started to pull itself up his blade for a bite of him. At that time he let his distress be known in the form of several ephithets to the patron Saint of WTF. After that he became attached to a bag of bones and rags which turned out to be a real annoyance, all while trying to kidnap Michaelangelo. Then he managed to get some time to bury the bones in a hallowed place, his reward was a small box of Austrian gold. His friend Wilfren also recieved the gift of getting to kill some Troglodytes who had heard the incantations and were curious. Wilfren also became totally suspicious of that "crazy macaroni".

His death came at the hands of a Florentine Militia footman. He and another character had snuck into the north west gate of the Fortezza de Basso and were in the process of clearing out the guards when he was attacked by said footman. The footman had a dagger and Draco had his trusty rapier. Both went into an aggressive stance and both threw red. Draco tried to beat him with a reflex contest, they tied. He then tried to steal initiative... he failed... The both stabbed each other in the face... Then he tried to use his SA's to haunt the other members of the party... He botched... now his spirit is eternally tied to the gatehouse...

What a life... :|

Message 11493#122528

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On 6/13/2004 at 8:45pm, Spartan wrote:
Re: Wow...

Salamander wrote: I have one who is hardly as great as that, but quite memorable.

This is one from my Renaissance Campaign.

Draco of Firenze (aka Draco the Wacko to his, err... "friends")

Let me just add to Salamander's story by saying that Draco was far stranger than the above story would indicate. ;)

-Mark (who didn't play that guy, but kind of wished he did)

Message 11493#123355

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On 6/14/2004 at 4:59pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Most memorable characters

Harald Finn

Former noble of Angaharad, dispossesed by a rival expansionist, family is killed by said rival.

Harald quests to avenge his family, but only after humiliating the rival and making him suffer. After 1 year of play, he finally catches the guy (after slaughtering his minions) and in a nasty all out brawl he kills the punk after executing a dirty toss maneuver in an "honorable" duel and then smashing his head in with a mace.

He then went on a long quest to find the rest of a relic before the spirit of the dead rival could use it to bring himself back from the underworld (the rival was a sorceror).

Now, keep in mind one very important quality of Harald, he had the Major flaw of bloodlust.

So, in his two quests he managed to kill everyone and anyone who got in his way. The trail of bloody slaughter left behind him resulted in more bad reputation and wanted flaws than could fit on a character sheet.

At one point he killed the heir to the throne of tengoku (oops) without realizing who he was slaughtering. So he still is fighting off tengoku assasins.

On the list of countries that want him dead: Tengoku, Cyrinthmeir, Xanarium empire, angharad, vhedji, and imjia (he seems to be thought of as a rival priest of death there and that just hasnt gone over well with the local religion).

Anyways, I loved this character because he was downright sociopathic. He cared not for the lives of anyone but himself and those useful to him. He would start a fight for the fun of fighting and loved to cause trouble wherever he went.

And best of all, he could back it up with a cp of 25 and a reflex of 9. He had a sneak, sincerity, body language and acrobatics skill of 3 on top of all that.

The great thing about sa's is that when you set them up right and have avision for your character you can really progress them super fast. I was averaging about 5-7 sa's a session and he started with a reflex of 7 so I got him built up pretty fast.

His sA's changed alot but the best was when I had them all lined up so they fed off eachother and the sa's of the other characters in the group.

Get revenge by any means
Hate the duke
Hate the dukes henchmen (specific and general)
Be known as the wind of death

Message 11493#123428

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On 6/14/2004 at 5:58pm, Sir Mathodius Black wrote:
RE: Most memorable characters

wow, sounds like a beast...

I had a similar character but he was a duelist and used two rapiers. I got the vision for him when i wastched the movie The Muskateer and saw off of those really cool moves that dartanion (sp?) used. He traveled accross weyrth leaving mostly blood and a bad reputation behind him but ended up saving the west from an invasion by a mongol-ish barbarian horde.

Message 11493#123438

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