The Forge Reference Project


Topic: cheap web development and design for your game store/company
Started by: bluekabuto
Started on: 6/8/2004
Board: Connections

On 6/8/2004 at 4:14pm, bluekabuto wrote:
cheap web development and design for your game store/company

Attn gameshop owners/companies.

As a gamer and small business owner I know how tight money can be sometimes. I also know how frustrating it is to visit a website that either: doesn't work, has bad links/broken images, takes forever to load, or just plain looks bad. Nothing reflects more on your company's web presence than a bad website - or the fact of not even having a website.

What can Kabuto do for you?

Need a website for your company / gameshop? Want a web presence, but don't have the time or experience to do it yourself? Are you looking to "step up" to the next level? Don't have hosting? Kabuto can help!

I offer a variety of packages and can work with you on any level. Drop me a line and I can easily work with you to create something to fit your needs. Some of you might know my work as I was the Guardians of Order former web guy (the green site) before they decided to bring it in house and do it themselves. I've done development/design for well over 8 years for a variety of coporations and small mom/pop shops.

Current Client - EDEN STUDIOS
Task - Complete web overhaul!!!

Blue Kabuto Small Business Web Packages

Entry Level Package - $99

?EBeautiful Custom Design
?ECustom Graphics & Simple Logo Design
?E1 Page w/Text & up to 3 Photos
?E1 "form-to-email"

Is your website still "Coming Soon"? Kabuto's Business Card style site allows you to have a web presence without spending a lot of cash.

Startup Package - $499

?EBeautiful Custom Design
?ECustom Graphics & Logo Design
?E2-6 Pages Text & Photos
?EStock Photography
?EContact Us Form
?EUnlimited Links
?E1 "form-to-email"

This is a great way to get a first time web presence if you have a limited budget and you’re not too sure about the whole Internet thing. Kabuto’s startup package still has the same great quality and style as the more advanced packages, but with a limited number of pages. Startup still means great quality; it is just a smaller-scale site.

Flash Startup Package - $799 (SLICK!)

?EBeautiful Custom Design
?ECustom Graphics & Logo Design
?E6 Pages Text & Photos
?EFlash animation complete w/sounds & music.
?EStock Photography
?EContact Us Form
?EUnlimited Links
?E1 "form-to-email"

Looking for a little pizzazz without breaking your budget? Kabuto’s flash startup package is the perfect blend of interactivity and web site content. Flash is a great way to make a statement on the web that incorporates animation, sound, music, and more! Kabuto’s flash startup package still has the same great quality and style as the more advanced flash package, but with only a limited number of pages. Get that WOW factor for a very reasonable price.

Advanced Package - $1200

?EBeautiful Custom Design
?ECustom Graphics & Logo Design
?E10-15 Pages Text & Photos
?EStock Photography
?EContact Us Form & Custom Form Pages
?EJavascript & CGI Scripts
?EFlash Introduction Movie

Get a quality web presence when on a limited budget. This is a great option when needing a professional site with only a small investment. Blue Kabuto presents high quality, eye-catching custom design, custom graphics, stock photography, Flash animation, and more!

Custom Pro package - $2000+
Advanced Flash package - $1600+
Larger packages: Quotes available upon request.

Contact information:

Bryan Kowalski

Blue Kabuto
39 John Street Suite #2
Amsterdam, NY 12010

Message 11522#122810

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