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Topic: [Convention Swap] GIMME SOME RPG STUFF in exchange for ads
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 6/8/2004
Board: Connections

On 6/8/2004 at 6:34pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
[Convention Swap] GIMME SOME RPG STUFF in exchange for ads

Hey all, sorry about the ambiguous title. Let me quickly summarize what's going down:

In late July is Trinoc-Con, the area's (Durham/Raleigh/NC) premier game and SF convention. This year, I'm in charge of the RPG (non RPGA/D&D) section.

That's right. Me. Andy "Big Fat Hardon for Indie RPGs" Kitkowski.

Anyway, as prize support for volunteer GMs and the like, our con staff has been contacting a few companies looking for support in the form of free games and supplements. Some people who have donated in the past include SJG, FFG (Blue Planet), Memento-Mori, etc.

Normally, the deal is that I would run demos of the game and the like, and in exchange I would get some giveaways to hand out at the Con. This year, we're trying to get more Indie games into the con. Dead Inside will be represented there, as well as other games like Sorcerer and (most likely) Dust Devils. This Con is also the birthplace of the local Dread fan base, as it was "unveiled" here back in 2002.

Anyway, this year I alone don't have all the time in the world to run games. However, I do have ABSOLUTE and TOTAL CONTROL on ad placement, giveaways and anything having to do with RPGs.

So, what I was thinking was this: I want your game. In print. Maybe, say, 1-2 copies max (I don't need a ton). Also, send me a press kit, including fliers, postcards, catalogs, whatever. In return, I'll:

1) See that it gets plugged like a motherf*** at the Con. Your display will be set up at the registration table area, which every person has to pass through to enter or leave the convention hall.

2) If I get your commitment early, I can add your game's description to this year's Con booklet. Otherwise, I'll be also making up a "Trinoc-Con Sponsor Games" sheet, featuring a picture and description of your game, as well as weblinks to find it.

This isn't guaranteed sales of course, but it is guaranteed viewing by some 500+ gamers (not to mention the rest of the con: SF geeks, artists, anime junkies, etc).

If you're interested, please PM me.



ps- If you're in NC, feel free to come! We can use the crowd, or even more potential GMs for a session or two. Current gaming guests include:
Dave Arneson
Sam Lewis
Richard Dansky
Steve Long
Bruce Baugh
Zach Bush
Mark Cenczyk
Dustin Clingman
Paul Meaney

Message 11525#122821

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...from around 6/8/2004

On 6/13/2004 at 7:53pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: [Convention Swap] GIMME SOME RPG STUFF in exchange for ads

Hey all, thanks for the numerous replies I've received! It sounds like this is really going to work out. However, I'm still not sure how many will actually follow through, so if you're interested in sending stuff yet waffling on a decision, PM me! I'll do what I can to make it worth your while.

Message 11525#123351

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On 7/1/2004 at 4:34pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: [Convention Swap] GIMME SOME RPG STUFF in exchange for ads

Hi everyone- This is a quick update for everyone who PMed me, and everyone who was following this thread:

Thanks for the promo goods and games/"stuff": It's starting to come in!

If you haven't mailed yet, please do. There's only 3 weeks left to the convention and I want to make sure I get everything in time. It will help to organize the games into the various proze support groups.

Again, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who is sending stuff, and if you were thinking of sending your game and promo goods, I've only got about 10 days or so before I need to post a promo/sponsor list ( to hand out to all the conventiongoers), so PM me asap!



ps- This will be the final message on this topic. From me anyway. Unless people respond to this here post. :-)

Message 11525#126199

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...from around 7/1/2004