The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Fantasy Imperium - Looking for Playtesters
Started by: MarktheAnimator
Started on: 6/11/2004
Board: Connections

On 6/11/2004 at 2:16am, MarktheAnimator wrote:
Fantasy Imperium - Looking for Playtesters

I'm looking for playtesters for my game, Fantasy Imperium.

What the game is about:
- Historical Fantasy Role Playing in Medieval Europe.
- Complex combat system that is meant to be played fast.
- Historical list of weapons and armor based on the time period they became available and on accurate names.
- Armor is rated according to it's material, what it is called and what parts of the body it covers.
- Magic system with 13 disciplines of magic, spell failure charts, burnout, demon possession, and insanity rules.
- Monsters based on legends and fairytales.
- Very simple character development system based on choosing a profession and picking skills.

What I need tested mostly is:
- Is the book written well? Can you read it and understand it well enough to play the game? (so far, I've explained it to everyone that has played it).
- Siege combat system needs testing.
- Various types of unarmed combat need testing, such as groundfighting, medieval close combat, streetfighting, and unarmed restraints & manipulation.

I have the book in pdf format for those interested in playtesting this.
It is unfinished.
I'm working on the last two chapters. Monsters, and How to Tell a Story.

Anyway, let me know.


Message 11546#123113

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On 7/3/2004 at 1:05pm, MarktheAnimator wrote:
Still looking...

Thanks for the responses so far.

I'm still looking for more playtesters, in case anyone is interested.


Message 11546#126593

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On 7/6/2004 at 10:33pm, LoreTG wrote:
RE: Fantasy Imperium - Looking for Playtesters

Mark - I would be more than willing to give your game a readthough, and if I like the read I will even go as far as to have our current playtest group for Lore: Uprising check it out and use a few sessions of your game to give them a break from ours. Where do I download it from? I did not see it on your website, though I will admit I did not look very hard...

Message 11546#127098

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