The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Why isn't Gam & Nar compatible?
Started by: timfire
Started on: 6/11/2004
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 6/11/2004 at 3:06pm, timfire wrote:
Why isn't Gam & Nar compatible?

Reading the "Experimental Validation: GNS Congruence" thread got me thinking about trying to make Gam & Nar work together, or more specifcally, why its so hard to get them to work together. Gam & Nar play is very similiar, so you would think it wouldn't be that hard.

Follow me for a minute. I started thinking that Gam play has a sort of inherent "meta-game premise" of 'Is glory worth it?' To which Gam always answers the same way: Yes!

Now, in order for Nar to work, players must have the ability to address the current premise in whatever fashion they want.

Because Gam always answers this question the same way, Nar isn't allowed the freedom to address premise in different fashions. This would be why Gam and Nar tend to be incompatible.

What do y'all think? Am I on to something, or no?

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