The Forge Reference Project


Topic: For Free or to Sell?
Started by: oversoul01
Started on: 6/14/2004
Board: Publishing

On 6/14/2004 at 2:09pm, oversoul01 wrote:
For Free or to Sell?

I am not really at a crisis point but I would like to keep my options open. Concerning my game Dice Chucker, I have toyed with selling it, but I am wondering if anyone thought it would be ba ettiquette to sell a game that was formerly free.
Now if I chose to do so I thought I would take a page from PEG in regards to SW. I have revised and add alot of new stuff to the rules, these in someways are very diffrent from my alpha test version that is online currently. I thought of perhaps having a a free abridged version, and a large full version for sale? Would it damn me to a special designer section of Hell?
If I am beating a dead horse can someone point me to a thread concerning this question?

Message 11578#123405

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On 6/14/2004 at 2:47pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: For Free or to Sell?

Hi Bobby,

You're actually standing in a zone of power and wonderful opportunity, not a danger zone at all.

Many of the games published by Forge members began as free or semi-free items, which were then upgraded and re-packaged as sales items. My company, Adept Press, was practically defined by this process.

I recommend it highly.


Message 11578#123408

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On 6/14/2004 at 2:55pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: For Free or to Sell?

Just to give an example, I'm currently making all of my previously for-sale games free. That's not to say they won't also be for sale: published copies with art and whatnot are for sale, while the text is free. (Actually, it's under a Creative Commons license.)

Anyway, you're in good company here if you're thinking about having a model where free material becomes paid material, or even a free/commercial dual-model, which is what I'm doing.

Message 11578#123409

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On 6/14/2004 at 8:41pm, Tav_Behemoth wrote:
RE: For Free or to Sell?

Clinton R. Nixon wrote: Just to give an example, I'm currently making all of my previously for-sale games free. That's not to say they won't also be for sale: published copies with art and whatnot are for sale, while the text is free. (Actually, it's under a Creative Commons license.)

Rock on, Clinton! The open license of the "world's most popular RPG" is one of the reaons I love it despite all its warts (and its warts have warts: I'm no expert on the Creative Commons license, but I'd be surprised if it had more problems than the OGL).

I couldn't feel more strongly that open licensing of indie RPGs is a vital step forwards creatively and commercially. Hats off to you and any other indies who are embracing open licenses voluntarily (on my side of the gaming fence, most folks do so uncomprehendingly 'cause they have to); step up & I'll buy you a Coke at the con of your choice!

Message 11578#123457

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On 6/15/2004 at 11:50pm, oversoul01 wrote:
RE: For Free or to Sell?

Thanks all for the advice and support! My reasoning is that I want to make custom dice for Dice Chucker, and I do not feel right about selling the dice and not the rules.
I will definately give it some real consideration.
Thanks Again!

Message 11578#123646

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On 6/16/2004 at 10:52am, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: For Free or to Sell?

oversoul01 wrote: I do not feel right about selling the dice and not the rules.

Why? What do the two have to do with one another? If you're going to have dice custom-made, I'd think that you have to buy a gajillion of them for it to be reasonable. In which case, you have to sell a gajillion of them. So whatever you can do to drive demand up for the dice is what you should do. I don't know if that's releasing the game for free, which is what I thought all along was the plan, but if it is, then it's a good idea.


Message 11578#123686

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On 6/16/2004 at 10:08pm, oversoul01 wrote:
RE: For Free or to Sell?

Its a personal hang up that I have, I get annoyed with companies that entice customers with freebies and then hit you with the big sale. I know it is a great method of getting customers and I do not hold it against them. I just do not like it.
Anyway my plan for the dice at least is since I am devising new and improved Power Dice...and there will be close to a gajillion of them now! Is to release sets of say 5, of 1 type of PD. But that is a topic for a another forum.

Message 11578#123794

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