The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Donjon Cheat Sheet Draft
Started by: JamesSterrett
Started on: 6/16/2004
Board: CRN Games

On 6/16/2004 at 2:35pm, JamesSterrett wrote:
Donjon Cheat Sheet Draft

What's below is the current draft of the Donjon reference card I've been working up. Are there any errors? Are there things you'd like to see? It's not intended to overlap with the Master Screen that already exists, and it is aimed at those new to the system - Jacob & I spent a lot of time flipping about wondering what we were meant to roll in given situations.

Donjon Cheat Sheet
What Do I Roll When?

Remember that any roll can have roll-over dice from an earlier related action!


Initiative: Discernment + Character Level (pp. 31-33)
When you have multiple ties at one point in the flurry, take turns of one action each until all ties are over for that part of the flurry.

Weapon To-Hit (or Parry): Adroitness + Abilities (p. 35)

Dodge: Adroitness + Abilities (p. 35)

Weapon Damage: Virility + Weapon Damage + Relevant Abilities + Rollover from To-Hit
Successes remove Flesh Wounds or Attributes (p. 36)
Pay one die to damage each Attribute;
Ex: 3 dice translates to 2 damage vs an Attribute (p.38 example)

Avoid Damage: Wherewithal + Armor Damage Rating + Abilities

Smash: All Damage Test dice succeed. (p. 38)

Movement Checks: Adroitness + Abilities (p. 34)


Gathering Magic: Cerebrality + Abilities (p. 40)
Resisted by GM: Varies (p. 40)

Gathering Again costs a spell die from the Ability

Held Spell Dice add to GM pool when doing anything Active (p. 41)

Backfire Avoidance When Hit: (p. 41)
Wherewithal + Spell Ability vs Spell Dice Held + Number of Hits

On failure, Held Spell Dice attack everyone nearby.

Cast Spell: Cerebrality + Abilities + Roll-over dice
MINUS dice spent on expanding the spell’s effects!

Damage spells resisted as Weapon Damage
Special Effects resisted by Spell Resistances.

Spell Resistance: Relevant Stat Plus….

Save vs Poison, Paralyzation, & Transmogrification: Add Wherewithal

Save vs Illusion & Confusion: Add Discernment

Shopping & Provisions: (p. 19)

Wealth Spending Test: General Shopping (p. 19)

Player rolls: Wealth/Provisions Expended + Value of Trade-ins + Sociality + Abilities

GM Rolls: Item Value + Markup

Wealth Spending Test: Buying Provisions (p. 20)

Player rolls: Wealth/Provisions Expended + Value of Trade-ins + Sociality + Abilities

GM Rolls: Player’s Current Provisions + Markup

Wealth Spending Test: Selling Items (p. 21)

Player rolls: Value of Item + Sociality + Abilities

GM Rolls: Player Wealth + Markup

Provisions Test: (p. 23-24)

Player rolls: Provisions Expended + Cerebrality + Abilities (p. 19)

GM Rolls: 3 + Item Value [per Table 3-3 (p. 24)]

Looting: (p. 56 & ff.)

Looting bodies for Wealth: (p. 56)
Player Rolls: Corpse’s Level
GM Rolls: Player’s Wealth
Add one to Player’s Wealth for every Player success.

Looting bodies for Items: (p. 57-58)
Player Rolls: Corpse’s Level
GM Rolls: Item Value
Any Player successes: Player gets the item.

Only one player can loot bodies.
Each player independently loots treasure caches.

Message 11619#123708

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On 6/16/2004 at 2:56pm, aplath wrote:
Re: Donjon Cheat Sheet Draft

JamesSterrett wrote: Weapon Damage: Virility + Weapon Damage + Rollover from To-Hit
Successes remove Flesh Wounds or Attributes (p. 36)
Pay one die to damage each Attribute;
Ex: 3 dice translates to 2 damage vs an Attribute (p.38 example)

You can add an appropriate ability to the damage roll also.


Message 11619#123716

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On 6/16/2004 at 3:23pm, JamesSterrett wrote:
RE: Donjon Cheat Sheet Draft

Thank you! Edited to add "+ Relevant Abilities".

Message 11619#123723

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On 2/1/2005 at 1:51pm, abies wrote:
RE: Donjon Cheat Sheet Draft

I have put your your cheatsheet in pdf format for easier printing

Message 11619#150129

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On 2/2/2005 at 3:44am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Donjon Cheat Sheet Draft

This is great stuff. It's a good resource, and I appreciate it.

Message 11619#150258

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On 2/2/2005 at 3:56am, James_Nostack wrote:
RE: Donjon Cheat Sheet Draft

I am in the process of writing a dicebot applet for Donjon, and I'm trying to figure out how to add these tips as user-defined flash cards to appear on the screen. This is a little difficult for me since (a) I have little free time, and (b) I am learning Java 2 from matchbook covers. But that's the dream.

Message 11619#150261

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On 2/3/2005 at 12:49am, JamesSterrett wrote:
RE: Donjon Cheat Sheet Draft

Thank you, Abies! :)

And, having looked at it now - wow! Nice job. It looks far more spiffy now - and more readable too. :)

Message 11619#150454

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