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Topic: [Sorcerer] Heavenly Kung Fu!
Started by: urbwar
Started on: 6/17/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 6/17/2004 at 5:48am, urbwar wrote:
[Sorcerer] Heavenly Kung Fu!

With much thanks to Paka!

So, following Paka's Heavenly Kung Fu thread, He sent me some stuff on his ideas, and I decided to see how well Sorcerer works for a martial arts game. Convincing my two players to be my guinea pigs, I set about putting together a game.

The premise was simple: Each player would have a martial arts style, with the basics of the style using the rules for martial arts from Sex and Sorcery. To represent the special techniques for the style, the "inner secrets", players would use demons (in this case, parasite demons).

My players came up with what I thought were interesting characters. I'll post them here, with complete demon info, in case anyone ever wants to use them:

Player: Thor Olavsrud
Character Name: Lin Jian

Appearance: Young man in kung fu robes, hair in long braid going down his back.

Telltale: Phoenix and Eagle brands on forearms

Humanity: 4 (went up to 6 in game)

Stamina: 5 (Iron Body, Martial Arts)
Will: 3 (Brash)
Lore: 2 (Taoist Monastery Training)
Cover: 5 (Taoist Monk of the Jade Phoenix School)
Price: Overconfident (-1 to all Perception rolls)

Kicker: Lin Jian's master has sent him to the town to seek out the Master of Red Eagle Claw Kung Fu (Lin Jian's master's martial brother), who knows a secret technique that Lin Jian's master does not (Jade Phoenix Claw and Red Eagle Claw were two halves of the technique of the grandmaster. He taught each of his two students one-half of the style, along with a special technique). The Jade Phoenix School is being harrassed and attacked by a group known as the Iron Tiger Society. Just outside the town, Lin Jian sees a girl in a tea house and falls for her instantly. She did not discourage him. When he gets to the town a little later, Lin Jian sees the girl walking arm-in-arm with the
master of the Iron Tiger Society.

Bound Demons:
Jade Phoenix Claw
Demon Type: Parasite Demon
Telltale: Host's eyes glow softly
General Appearance: A pattern of chi around the body (This might be in the form of a phoenix; Thor didn't specify, so he can chime in if he wants on that part)
Binding Strength: 2 (in character's favor)

Stamina: 6
Will: 7
Lore: 6
Power: 7

Desire: Praise
Need: Show Mastery of Style

Boost (Stamina)
Special Damage (Energy Discharge- Chi)
Travel (Lightfooted)

Martial Arts Style: Jade Phoenix Claw

Links: Short Strike to Long Strike, Long Strike to Short Strike, Divert to Long Strike, Divert to Grab, Grab to Power Inside.

Stance: Phoenix Ascendant
Short Strike: Claw Ruptures the Belly
Long Strike: Phoenix Burns the Sky
Divert: Ashes Scatter in the Wind
Grab: Phoenix Seizes the Tiger's Tail
Power Inside: Wings Buffet the Willow

Player: Andrew Ciotti (Urza)
Character Name: Fan Huifen

Appearance: Huien looks like your typical young Chinese scholar. He's Thin and far too lanky for his own body. He wears one of those peasant hats (The caps that look like a beanie so it just fits over the head) and has thick gold rimed glasses. Oft with hanky in hand

Telltale: Uncanny Grace (this is the player stumbling around like a drunk, but being able to catch things he drops, etc)

Humanity: 3 (up to six during game play)

Stam: 4 (Martial arts)
Will: 2 (Internal arts)
Lore: 4 (Scholar)
Cover: 4 (Physician)
Price: Bookish/ Secluded (-1 to any first roll in a scene)
Kicker: One of my most senior and well respected Teachers has been bitten by a Jiang Shi. The only person
(that we know of) who can provide a cure is the Abbot monk who is a well known healer, whom Huifen has been sent to locate.

Bound Demons:
Uncle Of Uncle's
Demon Type: Parasite Demon
Telltale: When one looks at the Character's chi a monkey can be seen on his back
(often pulling Ghost lice from his hair and eating the ghost lice )
General Appearance: Odd Sideburns on Fan Huifen's face
Binding Strength: 2 (in demon's favor)

Stamina: 3
Will: 6
Lore: 5
Power: 6
Desire: To Cause Mayhem & Embarassment
Need: To consume special concotion of herbs

Perception: Chi Sense

Drunken Monkey Style Kung Fu:

Links: Divert to Grab to Throw, Divert to Throw, Divert to Power Inside, Grab to Throw, Grab to Power Inside

Stance = Wine Making Chimpanzee Walk
Short Strike = It's monkey games till someone gets there eye poked out
Long Strike = Staff of Hunaman
Divert = Drunkenly Monkey Scuttle
Grab = Monkey Squeezes the peach to make wine
Throw = Drunken Monkey Tail
Power Inside = Failing Drunken Monkey Wrath

Session One (starting with the bangs):

Lin Jian:
Jian follows the Iron Tiger Procession, which ends at a large Pagoda in the center of town. Jian approaches a bean curd seller, and learns that the Pagoda belongs to Prince Huiling, bastard offspring of the Emperor. He has been sent to this out of the way province to act as it's governor, as he is considered a disgrace in court. However, the people of the province consider him a righteous and just ruler, as he has spent funds to aid the poorest people across the province.

Jian then inquires about Master Ma Ying, head of the Red Eagle Clan. The bean curd seller turns white, and warns Jian not to say that name too loudly, lest the Iron Tigers hear him. He informs Jian that the Red Eagle clan is no more, and that Ma Ying, leader of the clan, is now the town drunk. He tells Jian where to find Ma Ying, and gives him some bean curd soup to give to the old man. Jian heads off to the alleyway where Ma Ying now calls home, a bowel of Bean Curd Soup in his hands...

Fan Huifen: On the other side of the same town, Fan Huifen comes upon a man being beaten on the side of the road by two of the Iron Tigers. His sense of righteousness (one of the dual humanity traits being used) comes into play, and he tries to mediate.

The men refuse, and Fan Huifen is forced to fight them. Whith the Drunken Monkey screaming inside his head, almost deafening him, Huifen defeats the two thugs with just his basic tecniques and some judicious use of his uncanny grace. The fight ends as he injures one thug, and paralyzes the other after achieving total victory on him.

Huifen does what he can for the injured Iron Tiger, then hoists the peasant over his back, and lead by the man's wife, heads into the rice paddies, to go to their hut...

To be Continued...

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On 6/17/2004 at 5:50am, Paka wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Heavenly Kung Fu!


Thanks for posting how the Heavenly Kung-fu went. Glad someone got some play out of it rather than it just collecting dust in my hard drive.

Did the players go out of their way to describe cool moves?

One of the things I always put on my Sorcerer 1-Sheets is a quote from the book, "During combat, role-playing rules the dice." Or something like that. I'd check the quote but I'm away from my home base.

I eager await the next post to see how it all turned out.

Thanks for playing.

Message 11632#123841

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On 6/17/2004 at 5:55am, urbwar wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Heavenly Kung Fu!

Paka wrote: Urbwar,

Thanks for posting how the Heavenly Kung-fu went. Glad someone got some play out of it rather than it just collecting dust in my hard drive.

Did the players go out of their way to describe cool moves?

One of the things I always put on my Sorcerer 1-Sheets is a quote from the book, "During combat, role-playing rules the dice." Or something like that. I'd check the quote but I'm away from my home base.

I eager await the next post to see how it all turned out.

Thanks for playing.


In the first session, only Huifen had any combat, and he did it all via cool move descriptions, as befits someone who is an expert with drunken boxing. Since his demon likes to cause Mayhem, it was screaming inside his head (with the sound of a monkey) for him to use it, but he stuck with the standard moves, and took out the thugs without the demon's help. Since the fight was mayhem itself, it was mollified for now.

The next session had combat from both characters, and I will post that next, along with stats I did for Jiangshi, the hopping Vampires...

Message 11632#123843

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