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Topic: [MLWM] Simple Rules Question
Started by: jburneko
Started on: 6/17/2004
Board: Half Meme Press

On 6/17/2004 at 6:24pm, jburneko wrote:
[MLWM] Simple Rules Question


My weekday group has started a My Life With Master game. I'll post more details in Actual Play but I wanted to put some simple rules questions here. They are mostly about End Game.

1) Durring end game can the master order a minion who is not engaged in battle with him to do something?

2) Durring end game can minions attempt to kill the connections of the minion fighting the master when they have a chance to call for a scene?



Message 11642#123942

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On 6/17/2004 at 6:37pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
Re: [MLWM] Simple Rules Question

jburneko wrote:
1) Durring end game can the master order a minion who is not engaged in battle with him to do something?

I'd play this either as
1) no; the Master is fully immersed in battle, or
2) yes, but Fear will be zero for the purpose, like in anything else during endgame.

The first option implicates that it's enough for one character to break the Master's power. After that the illusion is shattered, and anybody can resist with impunity. The second option has a tad more flavor, and would maybe be what I'd use today. In this interpretation the Master can effectively put other characters between himself and the rebel as long as they fail to resist him (although a high-Fear Master would likely lose his power towards allmost all characters at the same time, as Fear wouldn't anymore prop up the commands). I'd also interpret it so that characters can only support each other against the Master after breaking free of him. Maybe allow characters to support others in breaking free, though.

The Endgame is one of the more complex parts of the rules IMO. It should be thought out before play.

2) During end game can minions attempt to kill the connections of the minion fighting the master when they have a chance to call for a scene?

I don't see why not. To the contrary, seems quite possible to me.

Message 11642#123943

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On 6/17/2004 at 6:57pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: [MLWM] Simple Rules Question

Hey Jesse,

• If a player has chosen for his minion to enter into the scene where the Master is in conflict with the recalictrant minion, or if his minion was there when Endgame was triggered, and the player decides not to enter into the conflict with the Master, then I'd allow the Master to issue a command. But it would be issued without the benefit of Fear. So for the command the Master would roll the minion's Self-loathing vs. the minion rolling Love minus Weariness.

• I'd allow it. But if you've handled the Master well as GM, that player should anticipate some serious retaliation from the other minions. They'll be wanting to see the Master dead, and this player will be perceived as having chosen to screw with that.

Can't wait to hear about the game!


Message 11642#123947

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On 6/17/2004 at 8:03pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: [MLWM] Simple Rules Question

And...a cross-post with Eero. But a very good one. It always geeks me to see someone who has read and played the game channel the design intent for circumstances the rules don't directly address. Made my day.


Message 11642#123966

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On 6/17/2004 at 9:32pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: [MLWM] Simple Rules Question

Thanks for the answers! I just thought of another question about ending.

During end game play alternates between GM chosen scene and Player chosen scene. I know the PCs act without the benefit of Fear. However, what about Being Captured or the Horror Revealed. Are these rules dropped? Does Self-Loating still cap out or can it now increase freely?



Message 11642#123993

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On 6/28/2004 at 7:07pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: [MLWM] Simple Rules Question

Hey Jesse,

Sorry I missed this question. The rules for being captured and The Horror Revealed are not suspended during endgame.


Message 11642#125631

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