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Topic: Hi, and what's for the future?
Started by: Mike Holmes
Started on: 6/17/2004
Board: Twisted Confessions

On 6/17/2004 at 8:32pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
Hi, and what's for the future?

Congratulations on a forum of your own, Alex. Best ta gets ta publishin. :-)

That said, do you have any more projects that you haven't let us in on yet? Where are you going with things in general?


Message 11645#123972

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On 6/17/2004 at 8:47pm, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: Hi, and what's for the future?

He has been a publishin'. I got my copy of Fastlane from about a week ago, and it looks pretty slick. Now I just have to find the time to read and play it.

Oh, he's got his Snowball variant of The Pool in the upcoming NPA, and he's going to have a game or two in the IGC book also. So, yeah, he's been a publishin'.


Message 11645#123979

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On 6/18/2004 at 5:59pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Hi, and what's for the future?

As Chris pointed out, already published one game (Fastlane, available in pdf from lulu and rpgnow, and print from lulu), and will also be featured in two anthologies coming out this year. Fastlane's sales have, quite frankly, been smaller than I've hoped. But the feeling I got with the very first purchase was enough to make it worthwhile.

Of course, Mike knows all about my participation in the two anthologies. I'm not sure if he knew about Fastlane being in print, though. I'll be bringing copies to GenCon either way (hint hint).

As for the future, I have several projects in the wings in various stages of, well, "development" is a strong word. Let's use "manifestation." Of course, I plan on developing Frigid Bitch farther - it needs tightening and tinkering yet. The version going into the anthology is rough, but playable. As for my other two anthology games, I'm still debating how much merit there is in paying attention to them, but if nothing else they were a good learning device.

The basic ideas for my other potential products are on the Twisted Confessions Products page, under "Works in Progress."

Shangri-la, my "dream game," was originally meant to be the 2nd product out of the door, after Fastlane. (I won't say everyone has a dream game, but there does seem to be sort of a min-trend of dreamworld games) It has been sliding around my brain, morphing from its original state as a warty FUDGE mod to, well, I don't even know anymore. I have hope for it, but I keep having to shelve it 'cause things keep dancing around in my head. The only thing that's remaining the same are the dice mechanics, which you can read about in the appropriate thread. I do have some more ideas, and I do plan on writing a thread for this game once I can grab a hold of the current picture.

On my products page is also a proclamation for two mini-supplements, one for Sorcerer and one for Burning Wheel. Ron's already said he liked the basic idea of the mini-supplement, but I haven't sat down and, well, written it yet. First it was getting Fastlane out the door, and then it was wrestling Shangri-la. The Burning Wheel supplement is something I posted about in the BW forum, and hashed out a lot with Luke. I'm not sure when it'll be complete either, 'cause it's based on a game world of mine that I'm collecting all the notes for.

I've recently gotten back into MUDs and even an MMORPG. This has got me thinking more about Mudsylvania - a game which takes all of the game elements of muds/mmorpgs and attempts to look at them from an entirely in-character perspective. Yes, now you too can be one of the chosen few in a world where people routinely vanish, only to re-appear later... where death is only temporary, and your body needs to be recovered... etc. etc. I really think this could be worth playing. I know it's something I want to play. Mudsylvania is going to have two completely different resolution systems - one percentile vs. a fixed target number, the other a count-the-successes dice pool. I do have reasons for this, but this post is already getting too long for something I'm entering while sneaking on from work.

The other two things on the products page (Earth Too and Shore Leave) are just ideas at this point. I have this vague desire to use cards as the resolution mechanic for Earth Too, but that's about as far as that's gone so far. Heck I only added Shore Leave last month because I wanted to remember to do it, and if anything is last on the priority list right now, it's that. I've also got vague notions of a Fastlane mini-supplement involving people who can jump from body to body - leaving the mind of the person they jumped into in the body they left behind.

Where I'm taking things generally? Well, Twisted Confessions is rather a house organ for my brain... and it generates a lot of stuff. Someone once referred to it as the Lxndr Idea Pipeline, a turn of phrase which I totally endorse. So I'm going to take it where the pathways in my brain takes me, and I hope everyone else on the journey enjoys the ride. There's going to be bumps (Island at the Dawn of Time is proof of that), but there's also good things (Snowball, Fastlane, Frigid Bitch).

Anything in particular you're interested in hearing more about, or discussing? I'd be happy to post what I have in a thread.

Message 11645#124144

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