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Topic: Alrighty then, let's smurf!
Started by: James V. West
Started on: 1/9/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 1/9/2002 at 5:09am, James V. West wrote:
Alrighty then, let's smurf!

I don't know why I did it, but here it is:

May Peyo forgive me.

Message 1165#10915

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...started by James V. West which James V. West participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 1/9/2002

On 1/9/2002 at 8:56am, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
Holy Smurf!!!

James, my friend, you are disturbed. ;)

In any case, that was a delightfully funny read and I couldn't help but laugh my Smurf off.

The rules are clever too, and fully represent the souece material. Probably too well. lol

Message 1165#10924

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On 1/9/2002 at 9:47am, Uncle Dark wrote:
RE: Alrighty then, let's smurf!


The Forces of Evil (Inquire about franchise possibilities in your area!) are proud of you right now. Bad job!


Message 1165#10925

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On 1/9/2002 at 2:23pm, joe_llama wrote:
RE: Alrighty then, let's smurf!


Oh man! I wanna smoke what you smoke!

This is the second time you motivate me.

I'll give you a hint: The name of the game will be Big thighs, Small spouse


Joe Llama

Message 1165#10932

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On 1/9/2002 at 5:54pm, Laurel wrote:
Inspirational Literature

Or heck, you could just think of them as good "templates"

Message 1165#10950

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On 1/9/2002 at 6:55pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
Gangsta Smurfs

Laurel, that's hilarious. You're gonna get me fired.

Anyhow, it reminds me of Jet Black and the Seven Deadly Dwarves: Snotty, Lazy, Angry, Greedy, Grabby, Fatty and Perv.


Message 1165#10963

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On 1/10/2002 at 3:54am, James V. West wrote:
RE: Alrighty then, let's smurf!


Loved the Hoodlum Smurfs stuff!

You know, I wrote that smurfy thing in less than 30 minutes. Now (and here's where it starts to turn dark and somewhat disturbing), I have all these ideas to add like descriptions of the undead Smurfs, nasty magic stuff from Gargamel's tower, and a list of Smurf NPSs (Non-Player Smurfs).

The question I keep asking myself is....why???

On a more serious note...this kind of excercise really does help get the cobwebs out. I was pondering my Hof idea and getting nowhere when the Smurfs invaded. It was fast, fun, and free. And I even see some serious potential for system elements in there.

This must be sorta how Zak feels everytime he cranks out a cool-ass game like Fungeon!!

Next up: intense smurf.

Thanks for all the comments, everyone!

Message 1165#11006

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...started by James V. West which James V. West participated Indie Game Design
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On 1/10/2002 at 4:04am, lumpley wrote:
RE: Alrighty then, let's smurf!

Good god almighty. I think I busted a gasket.


Message 1165#11008

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On 1/10/2002 at 4:14am, James V. West wrote:
RE: Alrighty then, let's smurf!

lumpley wrote:
Good god almighty. I think I busted a gasket.


Lumpley! I want to take this opportunity to inform you that Kill Puppies For Satan is rapidly climbing the list of The Coolest Games I've Ever Not Played Yet and now ranks very, very high.

And it is, officially, the funniest game I've ever read. I don't remember ever posting about it in the thread way back then, so I'm making it official here and now: YOU RULE.

Message 1165#11010

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...started by James V. West which James V. West participated Indie Game Design
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On 1/10/2002 at 6:37am, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: Alrighty then, let's smurf!

James V. West wrote:
This must be sorta how Zak feels everytime he cranks out a cool-ass game like Fungeon!!

Welcome to my world!! I'm discovering that I enjoy the quickie rpgs as opposed to the monstrous (and I say unnecessary ... I mean the Pool is awesome but it fits on what, two pages?) things that I always assumed they should be.

And hee ... Fungeon. Just wait until Clinton and I finish Donjon Krawl.

Oh, and Smurf is a riot. I can't believe you did that. I can believe the extrapolating you're doing, though ... zombie smurfs and what-not. Believe me, it's tough to write a quickie game and be able to let it lie!!

Message 1165#11012

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On 1/10/2002 at 2:39pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Kilgore says ...

James ...


Message 1165#11023

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On 1/10/2002 at 4:25pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Kilgore says ...

chimera wrote:
James ...


If I say it's safe to smurf this beach, it's safe to smurf this beach!

You either smurf or you fight!

See what you've started JW!


Message 1165#11033

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On 1/11/2002 at 11:23pm, James V. West wrote:
RE: Alrighty then, let's smurf!

"You want the Smurfies?"


"YOU can't HANDLE the smurf!"

Ok. We'd better not get this started or Ron will smurf us all in the smurf for cluttering his perfectly good website with smurf.

It was fun though.

Smurf on.


Message 1165#11157

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...started by James V. West which James V. West participated Indie Game Design
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On 1/12/2002 at 8:53pm, Mithras wrote:
Mithras says ...

chimera wrote:
James ...


Matt, you bastard. I just sneezed half a pint of good quality beer out of my nose onto my keyboard.


(anyone who can crack an Apocalypse Now joke is a friend of mine for life!)

Message 1165#11194

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On 1/13/2002 at 5:22pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Alrighty then, let's smurf!

Thanks, man. Glad you enjoyed it.

Would you believe the thread actually reminded me to finally watch my copy of Apoc. Now Redux? Good stuff, but I"m not sure if I like it better or not.

Remember ...

Never got of the god damn smurf. That's absolutely god damn right.

Ok, so I'm beating a dead horse, and it has nothing to do w/ gaming. I'll shut up now.

Message 1165#11224

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...from around 1/13/2002