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Topic: Looking for chibi style superhero art for a superkids book.
Started by: bigsimon
Started on: 6/27/2004
Board: Connections

On 6/27/2004 at 7:36pm, bigsimon wrote:
Looking for chibi style superhero art for a superkids book.

I'm finally to the point where I'm going to be buying artwork for the first VS. book, which should be finished and in production by the end of the year. I'm looking for "chibi anime" style images, along the lines of this picture:


I'm willing to pay (via PayPal) $20 per three 1/4 page images (black and white, line art, no color or shading needed). The images need not be of the same superkids in the above picture, but some of them should be. The image above is of the following, front right to left:

Flutterfly - Female, Age 7. The only thing missing in her is a set of butterfly wings. Oh, and her clothes need not be quite that baggy. Can create bursts of wind with her wings. ("A butterfly flaps its wings in China, it rains in New York instead of being sunny") Also has a "bubble shield" for protection.
Zoom Zoom - Male, Age 9. Moves fast. Might have some sort of trail of light behind him, ala "The Flash". Can move fast enough that he seems to be in more than one place at a time.
Prisma - Female, Age 11. Leader of the Powerkids. Can turn "glass-like" - refracting and amplifying light. Weakened by darkness.
Kid Freedom - Male, Age 11. "Patriot" type hero. Stars and stripes costume. Super strength. Flies. Probably could have a cape. Tends to be headstrong, but respects Prisma's authority.
The Geek (aka "Chip") - Male, Age 10. Classic super-science gadget hero. Wears anti-grav boots and uses an overpowered laser pointer to fight. Has mini-mechs and other cool gadgets, as well.

Other images could include villains, robots, cityscapes, or even one or two pictures of the kids in "Secret Identity" clothes (e.q.: schoolkids).

Art should be in Photoshop format (*.psd) with the black line-art on its own layer, if possible, and at 300dpi.

Right now, I have to start off at one set of three images per week, max (since $20 a week is all I'm going to be able to budget on this project until I'm ready to do the cover). If you're interested in an ongoing project like this (will probably be needing images for the next 10 to 15 weeks, and will be paying for a b/w line-art cover at the end of that time), PM me here.

If the rates don't match what you're looking for, let me know, and we'll discuss it.


Message 11776#125473

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