The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Final Twilight TCG release and Forge Discount!
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 6/28/2004
Board: Connections

On 6/28/2004 at 4:16am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
Final Twilight TCG release and Forge Discount!

Hey all!

Finally, after quite a while of dealing with customs (I learned my lesson- never print overseas when possible!), I finally have my shipment of my card game, Final Twilight, on hand!
I've developed part of the game while here at the Forge and would like to thank everyone who lent a hand! I wish I could send copies out to everyone to check out the cool artwork and fun game, but alas I cannot. BUT, I am offering a discount to a couple places such as the Forge who've been instramental in the games development.
Normally retailing for $7.95, I'm dropping it to $5.00 (which ends up being near wholesale actually) for those interested here at the Forge. The game includes 54 game cards, one six sided dice and the rulebooklet, everything to get started! Also available from the website are additional cards, alternate rules will soon be posted as well as some other gaming aids, all free to download!

You can check out the game at and the shop at Not all is totally worked out for the online store and will be adjusted over the next couple of days. If you have any questions, drop me a line via e-mail, PM or our message board (

Also, you can probably look forward to a post of somekind, if such a creature as this be allowed, on my experiances in printing a card game as such! Valamir suggested it quite some time ago, but till now I've been too busy or the article would lack an ending. Now I have customs horror stories :D

Message 11782#125515

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