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Topic: I need help creating random magic items and crap
Started by: Ashren Va'Hale
Started on: 6/28/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 6/28/2004 at 3:46pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
I need help creating random magic items and crap

Ok, first of all, if you are a player in my campaign, dont look here. Stop reading. If you keep reading I will break out the GM stick of smiting, also known as my longsword blunt. So go read something else ok?

For the rest of you, I am starting a new campaign in which my players are ALL playing magic users (Can we say "insight cashiered?" I knew we could!).

Each of the PC's is a student at the library of barameir and are studying to be members of tehorder of Saint Baram. They are studying under Bob teh Librarian (scarily enough he was a joke NPC that keeps coming back. He's on the tros web page if you want to check out his cahr sheet) who happens to be a collector of rare religious texts, relics and artifacts. Among the artifacts that he collects are an assortment of really unique magical items that fit in one of three categories.

1) Extremely unique and dangerous
ex: Two swords which have devils bound to them and if they ever contact eachother then the devils will be free to roam weyrth and cause some problems.

2) Extremely unique and of a very limited use
ex: a scrying bowl that allows you to see into the future, but you will always see the worst case scenario for the future.

3) Extremely unique and outright bizarre if not ludicrous.
Ex: The beer goggles (actual in game name pending), glasses that activate the spell "lust" on the wearer making any person of the opposite sex attractive (all viewed through teh glasses have the major beauty of legends gift even if they have the ugly flaw).

I need help coming up with more magical items for any of these categories. Its mostly for flavor, so anything that you would imagine a mad/absent minded mage would have lying around his office assuming he were 460 years old and has been colecting for at least 400 of those years.

If you cant come up with eth actual spell formula, I care not. I just need lots of ideas for interesting and dangerous/bizarre magical items.

Message 11789#125600

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On 6/28/2004 at 4:10pm, Stephen wrote:
RE: I need help creating random magic items and crap

Ring of Translucency

A botched attempt to create a ring of invisibility, this ring turns its bearer translucent -- he is still visible as a dim "phantom" figure, but is pale and colourless, light shines through him, and whatever is on the other side of him can be clearly seen; his shadow is almost completely gone. Its primary use has been in practical jokes, as the wearer can now easily be mistaken for a ghost, wraith, or spectre, but it does add to concealment rolls at night or in darkness (+2d to all hiding attempts).

Message 11789#125604

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On 6/29/2004 at 12:51am, Salamander wrote:
Re: I need help creating random magic items and crap

Ashren Va'Hale wrote: They are studying under Bob teh Librarian (scarily enough he was a joke NPC that keeps coming back. He's on the tros web page if you want to check out his cahr sheet) who happens to be a collector of rare religious texts, relics and artifacts.



Message 11789#125692

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On 6/29/2004 at 4:52am, Tash wrote:
RE: I need help creating random magic items and crap

Here is my favoritest magical weapon of all time, along with a condensed version of the narrative in the campaign behind it.

Long ago, in a game world far, far away, there was an order of elite swordsmen knows as the Swordsaints (read as "jedi" without the copyright issues). In ancient times they were the most feared fighters in the real, able to move with grace and speed that was impossible to behold.
The key to the Swordsaints power was the fact that their swords had the capability to trap and contain a human soul. When a master swordsaint died a blade was forged in his name and his soul was trapped within it. That sword was then given to his favorite student. Together the pair would become unstopable on the battlefield.

Eventually the swordsaints declined, and the secret of forging a soulblade was lost. Eventually only a single order remained, and even they knew only legends of their past.

The campaign centered around an apprentice Swordsaint who's blade was stolen. As far as he knew it was simply a normal sword that had been revered by his order for centuries. In reality it was the last remaining soulblade, and contained the trapped soul of the order's founder.

As the campaign progressed the PCs learned of the blade's nature, as well as what happened to it. Eventually they recovered it, but only after both the soul within it and the PC who was destined to weild it were destroyed. The blade's theft was part of a much larger, much more sinister plot that could have consumed the entire world.

I'm not going to post that here because some of my players read these boards and I just might use this idea again, but suffice it to say it made for a really cool campaign.

As far as mechanics went the weilder of the blade could add the combat skills (in this case the base attack bonus and damage bonus, since this was a D&D campaign) to his own. In TRoS this would equate to adding the original person's CP to the weilders provided the two could make a suitable connection.

The idea for this came from an old computer RPG called "The Summoning" where you got a sword called Warmonger that got better as you killed more guys with it. Basically the sowrd ate their souls and got stronger.

Message 11789#125717

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On 6/29/2004 at 7:32am, bottleneck wrote:
RE: I need help creating random magic items and crap

Stephen wrote: Ring of Translucency

A botched attempt to create a ring of invisibility...

Like that one, here's another 'Ring of Invisibility':

On command, this ring turns invisible... (cool, eh?)

Actually, this could be useful as the visible ring could be a symbol identifying the wearer as a wizard/member of secret order/heir to the throne/whatever.

Message 11789#125735

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On 6/29/2004 at 3:43pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Re: I need help creating random magic items and crap

Salamander wrote:



Uh... wha?

elaborate if you would.

Message 11789#125806

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On 7/2/2004 at 9:51pm, Jaeger wrote:
RE: I need help creating random magic items and crap

A ring of teleportation:

It looks like a really stylish ring.
The PC puts it on.
When the PC (or anyone else) takes the ring off anyone touching the ring is teleported back to the spot where the PC first put the ring on.

The indestructible cloak:

A regular dark colored cloak that is indestructible. Burn it, hack it, slash it, throw it in a lava pit; the cloak comes back for more... hell, it's even waterproof.

A PC may try to use it as armor - So all cutting/thrusting attacks use the blunt damage table.

Message 11789#126513

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On 7/10/2004 at 6:18pm, Silanthous wrote:
RE: I need help creating random magic items and crap

How about the medalion of life.
While wearing it, any plant the a person touches begins to grow at an accelerated rate, requireing no nourishment of any kind..... including seeds that happen to get caught in his hair or clothing, making for very odd situations and some fast talking.

Message 11789#127583

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On 7/11/2004 at 6:40pm, hkdharmon wrote:
RE: I need help creating random magic items and crap

How about the medalion of life.
While wearing it, any plant the a person touches begins to grow at an accelerated rate, requireing no nourishment of any kind..... including seeds that happen to get caught in his hair or clothing, making for very odd situations and some fast talking.

That could be really dangerous. I read a novel where the ability to cause seeds to sprout to maturity in an instant was used as an attack after sticking a sunflower seed in a guy's ear.

Message 11789#127649

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On 7/12/2004 at 4:54pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: I need help creating random magic items and crap

Ok, I ran the game saturday and the items I used were:

1- The Ugly stick. One thwack results in the glamour spell of "ugly" inflicting the target, the target has the major flaw ugly longer the more he/she is hit.

2- The Worst Case Scenario Scryers Bowl. Fill it with water and see the future, or at least the worst possible scenario of what the future could be.

3- The indestructible cloak mentioned earlier (thanks).

4- The open all lock pick that used vision and sculpture to change itself into the necessary shape to open any lock.

5- The one Thing ( I wont explain it but you can read about it in Sir Apropos of Nothing: The Woad to Wuin).

Message 11789#127756

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On 7/12/2004 at 8:00pm, Salamander wrote:
RE: Re: I need help creating random magic items and crap

Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
Salamander wrote:



Uh... wha?

elaborate if you would.


Long ago when I was a young pre/teen I was involved in a gaming group of well and truly deviant miscreants. Brian, Pete, Spencer and myself. One time during one of our many games of Traveller Spencer's character got involved in an arguement with a librarian. Pete (GM) was pulling off being a true dork in all aspect. I asked Pete what the librarian's name was and Spencer blurted out "Bob, Bob the F*@%$&g librarian... I wanna kill him so bad". So Pete ran with Bob the Librarian. So off we go and Spencer's character makes a deal to buy a nuke. We rip the bad guys off and steal the nuke, which Spencer immediately parks in front of the library with 20 minutes on the timer. We book it to the ship (prepped for take off before we parked the bomb) and watch the mushroom cloud from orbit. Pete describes the debris reaching the upper atmosephere and Spencer's character picks out a speck and says "There's that putrid f*@% Bob the librarian now". Since then "Bob" has been present in all of my Sci-fi campaigns. I am thankful, however, that I did get that kinda lunacy out of my system early on.

Message 11789#127787

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On 7/12/2004 at 8:45pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: I need help creating random magic items and crap

thats really freaking funny

Actually, bob is the one that PLAYERS bring back into campaigns all the time. Whenever players get really stumped the next thing you know is that they are off to see if they can get a favor from bob.

Message 11789#127794

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