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Topic: The Sorcerer's Soul is printing
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 1/11/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 1/11/2002 at 6:23pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
The Sorcerer's Soul is printing

Hey everyone,

The second supplement has passed the bluelines stage and they are putting the book together even as we speak. Past experience has taught me that no real time-estimate can be given at this point; "at the printers" literally means "when the printers can get it done," and that's that. I roughly anticipate that it will make it to the stores in early-mid February.

It's the last Sorcerer book, as I conceive things at this point. I have no current intent to do another, although I do have some plans for some smaller in-store products later this year, in a limited fashion.

The book is precisely the same size and general format as the first supplement, except that its cover color is blue and the title text is a neat blue-white ghosty color. The cover image is by Raven, black-and-white; it's the same as was used for the PDF except more spiffy (just as with Sword). I think the three books together make quite a nice package.

Its content is not significantly changed from the PDF, far less changed, for instance, than Sword was. I've fixed a few internal problems and rounded out some of the arguments, and there are some new appendices (including a transcript of a conversation here at the Forge), and all the art is new and different ... but that's about it.


Message 1182#11131

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...from around 1/11/2002

On 1/28/2002 at 5:29pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Printed and at the warehouse!

All set, folks! The book is printed, shipped, and its retail preorders have hit the mailbox!

That means that direct orders on the site are on-line, available, and thirsting for your clickety attention. The price is $15.00 with a $2.50 tacked on for the postage/handling stuff.

As ever, if you're a proud PDF-owner, contact me first and you'll end up paying $7.50 instead.


Message 1182#12396

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On 1/28/2002 at 5:46pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: The Sorcerer's Soul is printing

My response would be an expletive referring to intercourse and the letter A.

As the person who laid out all three covers, this one's the best yet, people. I'd seriously buy it just for the quality of Raven's art. I think this book's going to be one of the nicest RPG covers you'll find anywhere.

Message 1182#12398

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On 1/29/2002 at 2:57pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: The Sorcerer's Soul is printing


I have held the book. It sits on my shelf as part of a nice little Sorcerer set: main book, supplement, supplement. Gray & gold, red & silver, dark blue & ghost-blue.

Oh, the two supplements together are so cute, 'cause they're exactly the same size and fonts and everything.

Quite a little package of RPG there, if I do say so myself. Makes me feel like playing some more.


Message 1182#12421

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On 1/29/2002 at 3:13pm, Balbinus wrote:
RE: The Sorcerer's Soul is printing

Huzzah, count me in.

BTW, who was responsible for the excellent rules on angels in that book? I seem to recall Ron gives the credit to a third party.

Message 1182#12425

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On 1/29/2002 at 3:29pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: The Sorcerer's Soul is printing

I won't say "the credit" in full ... first of all, a lot of people clamored for angel rules since the game was a cruddy little ASCII file, and I was already there with the issue even before that.

When it got brought up in the 98-99 mailing list discussions, Raven and Ran Hardin were the most influential contributors. The "Grace" rules were my invention, though.

Those discussions are available at the Sorcerer site - see the "Archives" sub-section in the "The Game" section (blue menus). I quote from them freely in the book itself, with credit to the authors.


Message 1182#12427

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On 1/29/2002 at 7:33pm, Manu wrote:
RE: The Sorcerer's Soul is printing

There seems to be no way to actually order from the site; Seems like the Verza buttons are gone...

Must...quench...hunger...must...order....NOW !!


Message 1182#12438

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On 1/29/2002 at 7:38pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: The Sorcerer's Soul is printing


You see the Paypal buttons though, don't you? Those are what I'm using now. Verza did well by me, but apparently the company decided to cut out a whole category of merchants that included me (I'm not sure what the category was, but it wasn't anything to do with being a lousy seller).

If you own the PDF, then contact me by private email; if you don't, then click on the Paypal button to buy the book.


Message 1182#12439

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