The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Community-circle based Descriptors.
Started by: sirogit
Started on: 6/30/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 6/30/2004 at 1:03pm, sirogit wrote:
Community-circle based Descriptors.

I'd really like to try out this idea for descriptors based on the different circles of communitys listed in Sex&Sorcery(Such as family, self, community etc etc.)

Here's a rough model for the type of thing I'd like to try: All Stamina descriptors are based on physical hardening and the source of it, Will is based on pride of a community, Lore scores are based on who one learned Sorcery from.

So say on the three different levels of Larger community, family and self, you could have descriptors like:

Dangerous Environment
Rough upbringing

Proud Line

Family Secrets
Lone Adept

So the choice of Descriptors attaches history to the community, a Stamina descriptor would attach a history of abuse, a Will descriptor would attach a history of pride and love.

Now, I can't quite gel a good way to use this mechanicly. One idea is, along with Humanity rolls, one changes the number of an appropiate score along with Humanity. So if one gained Humanity by sacrificing themselves for their community and their Will descriptor was Patriotic, their Will would also raise by 1.

This concept makes alot of sense with the option of changing descriptors when a character hits Humanity 0/Resolves a kicker.

On the drawbacks, it hit me that it would mean less variety in descriptors, so it'd be best for a setting in which descriptors would be narrow anyway.

Other than that, what other flaws or uses can someone think of this?

Message 11820#125939

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On 6/30/2004 at 1:38pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Community-circle based Descriptors.


Good basic idea you've got there. Here are my thoughts.

1. There's no reason why you should have only one zone-specific descriptor per score. The Stamina descriptors might include two or even three per zone.

(By "zone" I mean one of the circular sections of the circle diagram.)

2. I wouldn't have any special rules-tweaks beyond that at all. Just by providing the range of options across the circle diagram, you've pumped Premise. The Humanity rules, even at their simplest, will take it from there.


Message 11820#125947

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