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Topic: [Sorcerer] Desire/Need question
Started by: pfischer
Started on: 6/30/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 6/30/2004 at 9:25pm, pfischer wrote:
[Sorcerer] Desire/Need question

I have tried to look through the Adept Press forum, but a search for Desire brings up 6 pages alone, and you cannot search for combined words only or refine your search result, so I have to ask here, sorry:

I am prepping a Sorcerer game, last details before actual play starts, and one of the players asked me where it said that the GM decides the demons' desires. I couldn't answer him. Am I wrong about it, though? Did I read it somewhere on the Forge?

And what about demons summoned during play, doesn't the GM set the need/desire here? Does it say so in the main rule book?


Message 11827#126071

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On 6/30/2004 at 10:36pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Desire/Need question


one of the players asked me where it said that the GM decides the demons' desires. I couldn't answer him. Am I wrong about it, though? Did I read it somewhere on the Forge?

The player makes up his or her character's starting demon in full, including Needs and Desires.

However, the demon creation should be carried out in the context of whatever group-consensus (perhaps one-person-led) process is involved in customizing demons and sorcery in this game.

And what about demons summoned during play, doesn't the GM set the need/desire here? Does it say so in the main rule book?

Book check, anyone?


Message 11827#126087

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On 6/30/2004 at 10:45pm, hix wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Desire/Need question

Chapter 3, page 47. There's a checklist on building a demon character that says, "Sometimes the player has a say ... , but the GM has the final word."

Message 11827#126089

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On 6/30/2004 at 11:57pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Desire/Need question

Whenever I run Sorcerer, I'm pretty sure I let the player decide the Need and Desire of any demon a PC summons and binds. Which is not to say I won't make suggestions (or stop other players from making suggestions).

Message 11827#126093

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On 7/1/2004 at 2:56am, DannyK wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Desire/Need question

It's kind of like the Imperator relationship in Nobilis or the Master relationship in MLwM: since the GM is going to spend the game trying to hose the player with it, the player had better have signed off on it first.

At least, that's my two cents.

Message 11827#126102

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On 7/1/2004 at 5:04am, sirogit wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Desire/Need question

On demons summoned during play Chapter 5:

There are two methods of describing Demons, both require that the player describe the Demon's Need, and that the GM decides on the demon's Desire.

In one of the options of handling Contacting, one may change details according to how many dice of the demon are higher than the lowest dice of the Sorcerer, so it's imaginable that Need could be one of the details changed.

Message 11827#126112

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On 7/1/2004 at 9:55am, pfischer wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Desire/Need question

OK, thanks guys, very helpful :)


Message 11827#126127

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