Topic: Driftwood Publishing Schedule '04
Started by: Jake Norwood
Started on: 7/1/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel
On 7/1/2004 at 4:28pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
Driftwood Publishing Schedule '04
I figured you all would like to know what we're up to out here at Driftwood Publishing. Here's where we're at:
The Flower of Battle
This is our most important priority right now. Most of the art is in and we're alternately editing existing text and trying to finish op the rest. The planned release date is still Gen Con (Indianapolis, August 18-22). We plan on putting pre-orders out about 10 days earlier for print copies (and immediate fullfillment on the PDF). We're planning on a $30 price tag.
Some of you remember this project from last year. It's a "quirky little game" by big-hardback-book standards, but still pretty meaty at around 50 pages. This is a non-TROS game about destruction and tough-guy-themed antics. I would like ot put this out as soon as the art's in and final editing is done. Let's say end-of-July. Pricing is planned at a $10 or $15 PDF.
Sorcery and the Fey
This project has been suspended indefinitely due to "Real Life." If anyone is interested in taking it on (much in the same way that Brian did most of OBAM), let me know, and provide a significant writing sample.
TROS: Japan (Untitled)
This has also been set back due to Real Life. It's still coming, though. Patience.