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Topic: Sacred cows II (split)
Started by: thereformant
Started on: 6/30/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 6/30/2004 at 1:38am, thereformant wrote:
Sacred cows II (split)

i can see your point completely but if everyone shot their sacred cows i have a feeling that nothing really new or revolutionary would ever really happen

Message 11838#125891

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On 7/1/2004 at 3:34pm, Balbinus wrote:
Re: Shooting the Sacred Cow

Another one I see a lot is stuff that goes in because of an assumption that's just how games are made.

Most folk design games so they look like other similar games. Attributes are separate from skills which may be separate from innate talents. Why? Because that's how rpgs generally do it. X is done because X is realistic, even though the game may not require realism, may indeed positively require it not to be there. Oceans of 1980s game design falls into this. Most games then strove for realism, some though only strove for realism because most of the others were.

Indie games often have dice pools, why? My guess is because other indy games have dice pools, it's another assumption of how things should be based on how others are doing them. But an indy game could potentially use a flat single die, percentiles, roll under or over, but time and again I see dice pools. Assumptions.

The best games throw those out. Sorceror doesn't look much like most other games. OtE certainly doesn't (though it has obvious inspirations). Castle Falkenstein throws out assumptions by the bucketload.

But most don't. People sit down and work out what kind of dice pool they will use or what attributes and skills will be needed, without first asking whether they need dice pools or even dice and whether attribute and skill separation are remotely relevant.

Message 11838#126179

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On 7/1/2004 at 6:30pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)


The above two posts were split from Shooting sacred cows.


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Message 11838#126232

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On 7/1/2004 at 6:33pm, Balbinus wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Ron Edwards wrote: Hello,

The above two posts were split from Shooting sacred cows.


Did I go off topic? I thought I was following on from thoughts in the initial post.

Anyway, thanks for splitting it out if I did.

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Message 11838#126235

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On 7/1/2004 at 6:43pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Balbinus wrote: Did I go off topic? I thought I was following on from thoughts in the initial post.

You weren't off-topic. You ressurrected an old thread. Your discussion was on-topic for that thread but the standard is if you want to reopen a new thread, you do a new thread and point to the old one, and if you ressurrect a thread by accident, Ron splits the thread, for the same effect.

To get less procedural... I think you make a good point, particularly about dice pools (which I'm glad to say Unsung doesn't use), but I'm not sure it's anything that wasn't said in the original thread.

Message 11838#126241

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On 7/1/2004 at 7:02pm, Balbinus wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Ah, thanks. I thought it was a current one and hadn't realised.

Not sure the dice pool point was made, though it is an example rather than the point itself. It seemed to me that the thread had got rather bogged down with discussion of how tough writing was, whereas Valamir's original point seemed to me more about sacred cows which could actually get in the way of actual game design.

Hence the thing about assumptions of what a game should look like, IMO one of the strongest obstacles to good game design that designers face. Most Fantasy Heartbreakers IMO owe a good deal of what is wrong to assumptions about what a game is and what it's contents should include.

Message 11838#126251

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On 7/1/2004 at 11:42pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Just as a point of reference, Balbinus did not ressurrect the thread. "thereformant" did. So, fear not, Balbinus, you've managed to postpone that day when you find out what arcane rituals of evil we perform on thread-resurrectors.

Message 11838#126317

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On 7/2/2004 at 9:53pm, Balbinus wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Thanks Paganini,

Is there anything much to say now though? I hadn't realised this was a done topic when I saw the previous thread. If anyone wishes to respond to my point that's cool and I welcome whatever points they have but otherwise I wonder if this should be allowed to rest in peace.

Message 11838#126515

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On 7/4/2004 at 1:56am, Precious Villain wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

The thread is dead, long live the thread!

Seriously, Balbinus, I'd like to take your idea a step farther. The trend doesn't just occur because *RPGs* are designed a certain way. You see the same thing with d20 products, Storyteller, Silhouette and all the other "Home Systems" out there. The designers shoehorn in all the basic elements because "That's what our house system requires" without thinking first about the needs of the game they're writing. The most eggregious examples I can think of off the top of my head are the varying uses for Willpower in the Storyteller games and the almost compulsive need for new prestige classes every time a d20 book comes out.

I think this sort of thing really hurts the professional games. It's a lot of needless bulk added when it comes to a supplement to a single system, and it's just laziness when they come out with a new game.

Message 11838#126678

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On 7/4/2004 at 7:28pm, madelf wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

The dice pool and skills/traits examples make me wonder a bit...

How certain are you that this is an assumption, and not merely a preference?
A lot of games use dice pools, indy or otherwise. Perhaps I lot of people just like dice pools.

My game system (which I didn't design by myself, but which I had a good deal of influence over) uses dice pools, but it certainly didn't come from any assumption that it needed to. (In fact it was based on an outline of what I wanted it to accomplish rather than what mechanics it should include) Dice pools just happen to work well.
But would you have any way to realize that, or would you just be making assumptions about my "assumptions"?

I also have both skills and attributes in my game. They reflect different things that are only sometimes related. For instance, fighting is a skill. Just because you are strong or graceful doesn't necessarily mean you fight well. Just because you fight well doesn't necessarily mean you're strong or graceful. But having seperate skills and attributes allows the use of your fighting skill to be influenced by your natural strength or grace.
On the other hand, performing an action doesn't necessarily mean someone's using a skill (hence "unskilled labor"), so many task resolutions would be inappropriate for basing on a skill, rather they resolve based solely on an attribute. You don't need a skill to pick up a heavy rock or break down a door. All you need is a strong back or rugged shoulder.
This is the way I prefer the mechanic to work, not an assumption that it has to work this way. But again it sounds like it might get dismissed as such.

This is something I've wondered about a few times.
How much of what is written off as "assumptions" is actually something the designer just might have thought twice about and simply used a method similar to many other people's choices because it was the best choice in their view, or even just a personal preference for a particular way of doing things?

I question whether making the assumption that every game that does things similarly to a common method does so because to the designer's "assumptions", isn't at least as invalid as the supposed "assumptions" being targeted in the first place.

To be clear, I'm not attacking anyone's viewpoint. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course. But I do question the reasoning behind many of these statements about "assumptions".

Message 11838#126764

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On 7/4/2004 at 8:06pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Madelf, I think the cry of "Assumption! Assumption!" is usually based on the accompanying game text, rather than the actual mechanics themselves. If you take V:TM frex, the text is full of assumptions. Most of the time when people post ideas to IGD that contain repetitions of common RPG design techniques, the first reaction is not to cry "Assumption!" but to find out if it's an assumption. Ralp and Mike, for example are constantly asking the question, "Why did you decide on this way? Was it just because other games do it? If so, you might want to rethink."

Message 11838#126766

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On 7/5/2004 at 4:49am, madelf wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Paganini wrote: Madelf, I think the cry of "Assumption! Assumption!" is usually based on the accompanying game text, rather than the actual mechanics themselves. If you take V:TM frex, the text is full of assumptions. Most of the time when people post ideas to IGD that contain repetitions of common RPG design techniques, the first reaction is not to cry "Assumption!" but to find out if it's an assumption. Ralp and Mike, for example are constantly asking the question, "Why did you decide on this way? Was it just because other games do it? If so, you might want to rethink."

That reassures me a bit.
I do support the questioning process. I've certainly done my fair share of questioning my own intentions on different elements of my game (and have generally debated myself right back around to what I intended in the first place - so I assume that's a good sign).

I just get curious.
I tend to hear a lot about how "most games make X assumptions" and it always makes me wonder if this is something that actually is assumed, or if it is just perceived that way. I'm just curious what the signs are. You mention V:TM, which I only have a passing familiarity with (I've played it once or twice but don't own the books). What sort of things within the text point to these assumptions? What says "We are doing it this way because this is how it's supposed to be done in rpgs" as opposed to "We are doing it this way because it's how we want to do it"?

And even when it comes down to answering the questions... is "because game x does it this way" necessarily an invalid reason? If the person knows that system and likes that system and wants to use that system, is that not a good enough reason to use that system? Does the designer's knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of alternate systems in any meaningful way validate or invalidate that reason? I suspect it might not always be an easy answer. At some point this starts to sound a little like innovation for innovation's sake, which would be at least as bad as sticking to a more mainstream system for the wrong reasons.

Not really sure where I'm going with this... just playing devil's advocate I guess.
In the end I have to go with the idea that the best answer is to just do what works the best for the game, whatever that might end up being, which seems to be what "shooting the sacred cows" is all about.

I suppose I'm just a little wary of shooting at other people's livestock.

Message 11838#126825

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On 7/5/2004 at 5:08am, Paganini wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

As far as what assumptions and how to identify them, that' sa big hairy deal. It's too late for me to even try, tonight. ;)

But, from a game design perspective, there's always the question of whether or not an existing game can do what you already do. Should you modify an existing game, or design a new one? It might be that attributes and skills and classes really are what you want. But, you better have a good reason that your attributes and skills and classes are more interesting or focused or something than the umpteen other systems out there with the same construct. If your game uses the same mechanics as the game that people already have, why would they switch to yours? What makes it special?

Message 11838#126827

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On 7/5/2004 at 7:45am, Noon wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

I don't know about all this questioning. I mean, a current technique might not be perfect, but does it have to be? I think the important thing is to question those things which are just bad for you, just as if you suddenly realised your an alcholic or gambler, you might realise that the slueth system your building shouldn't really focus on such a big combat system, and should actually have skills. Avoid the unhealthy and self destructive stuff.

Also, in terms of valamirs original post, he was talking about how he was struggling on with an idea that had become dead weight. Although the technique was fine, it just was dragging him away from what he wanted to do. I don't think one should decide all things should be questioned, some are okay. The trick is, in certain contexts, okay technique becomes really unhealthy technique.

Then again, perhaps I'm questioning questioning.

Message 11838#126837

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On 7/5/2004 at 9:37am, MR. Analytical wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

I think that the D20 argument fits in here. Why are people reputedly attracted t D20? because that way they don't have to relearn a different system each time that you change settings.

I think the same can be said about certain rule sacred cows. They do the job, they're immediately familiar, they don't really suck and there's little to be gained from shooting those sacred cows.

While sacred cows are dangerous I actually think that the converse; being different for the sake of being different, is also a problem.

Message 11838#126845

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On 7/5/2004 at 1:42pm, Precious Villain wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Mr. Analytical, the problem with saying "it's so they don't have to relearn the system" is that the statement isn't true. Feats, prestige classes and basic classes are part of the system. Feats are all just little rules, and there sure heck doesn't seem a lot of thought that goes into them. Classes and prestige classes are rules, too, and again a lot get tossed in there. Why? Every d20 book puts in these little rules and you have to track them somehow. It's not as bad as Shadowrun or Rolemaster, where rules you need to play the game are scattered across half a dozen books, but this stuff does burden players at character creation and at least every couple of levels.

Death from a thousand cuts? Straw that broke the camel's back? Not sure which one is right, here :)

I can't believe that every d20 book needs a handful of prestige classes to communicate its theme. The only possible reason they're there is that designers think "This is kinda cool" and throw it in. That's great as far as it goes, but this stuff can go too far (open up some "Rifts" books if you don't believe me). Heck, a lot of the new feats and classes kind of suck if you ask me.

Message 11838#126861

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On 7/5/2004 at 2:22pm, MR. Analytical wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Precious Villain wrote: Mr. Analytical, the problem with saying "it's so they don't have to relearn the system" is that the statement isn't true. Feats, prestige classes and basic classes are part of the system.


I think you're creditting me with a stronger claim than the one I've actually made. For the record, I completely agree with you that the D20 argument as it's normally put forward by D20 fans doesn't work because A) people had to learn D20 initially anyway, B) the system expands as the crunch expands (your point) and C) once you get down to it, familiarity with D&D won't allow you to slide straight into an M&M game.

My claim though is a weaker one. Namely that ease of uptake is an issue and that some concepts (sacred cows) are familiar and therefore ease the uptake for new gamers. Everyone understands 2 variable character typing (race, class or culture, social class or Aspect, job before exaltation. If you're a seasoned gamer you'll fly through this stuff... pausing only to notice interesting tweaks here and there. To me, this ease of uptake can be a good thing. Annecdotally, a friend of mine recently baught the french game Retrofutur... well I say recently... he bought it about 2 years ago and we still haven't played it because he can't understand the skill system.

Surely you won't reproach me saying that shifting from Vampire to Adventure! is easier and less traumatising than shifting from D&D to Nobilis? It's an extreme set of cases but I think there's grounds for a point :-)

I believe that system matters but it's a more complex claim than meets the eye. It's normally taken to mean that system sculpts experience ergo it can't be ignored if you're serious about creating a certain gaming experience. I think this is true but I think that "experience" here is taken far too narrowly. Ease of uptake, familiarity, and intuitiveness are also important and good things even in cases where the system completely fails to feed into the RPG experience (as narrowly conceived).

Consider, for example, Unisystem's success. It's easy, it's intuitive, you read it once and you understand it. It's a great system and as far as my group are concerned it's had a positive impact upon our gaming experience.

So my point, originally, was that sacred cows can be nice to have around. Even for experienced gamers. Killing the cows in order to get new cows is just as silly as keeping them around and refusing to contemplate getting new ones.

Message 11838#126864

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On 7/5/2004 at 2:22pm, madelf wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Precious Villain wrote: Mr. Analytical, the problem with saying "it's so they don't have to relearn the system" is that the statement isn't true. Feats, prestige classes and basic classes are part of the system. Feats are all just little rules, and there sure heck doesn't seem a lot of thought that goes into them. Classes and prestige classes are rules, too, and again a lot get tossed in there. Why? Every d20 book puts in these little rules and you have to track them somehow. It's not as bad as Shadowrun or Rolemaster, where rules you need to play the game are scattered across half a dozen books, but this stuff does burden players at character creation and at least every couple of levels.

Death from a thousand cuts? Straw that broke the camel's back? Not sure which one is right, here :)

I can't believe that every d20 book needs a handful of prestige classes to communicate its theme. The only possible reason they're there is that designers think "This is kinda cool" and throw it in. That's great as far as it goes, but this stuff can go too far (open up some "Rifts" books if you don't believe me). Heck, a lot of the new feats and classes kind of suck if you ask me.

You seem to be confusing optional and supplemental rule add-ons with the base mechanic. Of course there are too many classes and prestige classes for d20. I'm sure that's a big reason why the new "Buy the Numbers" classless system for D20 is selling so well. But even with all of those prestige classes, or no classes at all, it's still D20 and the basic system is still familiar to those who already know D&D. They know what a prestige class, or feat, is and can immediately implement it in their game. It's just an expansion of the known mechanic

Non D&D D20 products are a fantastic example of "If it ain't broke don't fix it." People have used the D20 system to make games in a myriad of genres and now people familiar with D20 can play all of those games without learning an entirely new system for each one (just the few tweaks used to conform to the genre style) That's going to appeal to a whole lot of people. Not all of them certainly, even without classes or levels not everyone is going to love D20, but it's still a number of people too large to be just dismissed.

I don't know if the same logic works as well for non-D20 mechanics, given that no other game in history has been as popular, but I suspect it does.

If I say "My game uses dice pools," then immediately people understand what I'm talking about and know whether it's something they might be interested in. If they hate dice pools, they won't want my game. But if they like them then they already have a head start on learning my system and might be more likely to take a closer look.

The benefit to me is that I can break most of my game mechanic down into known terminology, which people will quickly grasp. The quicker they can grasp it, the sooner they'll know if it interests them or not. "Wound levels? I hate wound levels. I'm not playing this." ...or... "Wound levels? Cool! None of that fight at full strength till zero hit points and drop crap. This is my style of game." So the more likely they'll keep looking, and hopefully buy it

Now if I've got some bizarre, cutting edge, innovative mechanic that takes me a page and a half just to explain the basic concept, then I'm going to have a tough time selling it to the average gamer. They'll have lost interest long before they realize just how amazing and cool my game mechanic really is.

Message 11838#126865

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On 7/5/2004 at 2:52pm, Precious Villain wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Mr. Analytical,

I believe I see your point now. The drawback of having rules that don't quite fit is worth it if those rules have some other virtue. On balance, d20 is superior in a lot of respects. However, very few of the "spinoff" games use d20 straight from the box. They've all got little tweaks and changes.

Now that doesn't invalidate your basic point! It's still easier to learn a new d20 game by just looking at a handful of differences. But it also supports my point: you've got to look at all the elements of d20 and decide which of them really fit YOUR game and which are there because they've always been there. I feel that the balance tends to fall on the side of inertia/tradition/whatever. However, you are right that it's not going to hurt these games much.


My point was that it's there because everyone else puts it there. It can be optional and still fit that description.

Message 11838#126866

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On 7/5/2004 at 6:24pm, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

Mr. Analytical's point (by the way, what's your name?) is significant; and I think that it goes deeper than it appears.

If you tell me that you're using dice pools, all I really know is that I have to roll a handful of dice to find out what happens. I've played with dice pools, and I don't find them objectionable in play; but I think they're a designer's nightmare. You've got multiple variables--how many dice, how many sides, what target number, and how many successes are the obvious ones, but there are others such as whether there are botches. Beyond that, you can have opposed and unopposed pools, and the opposed pools can be handled several different ways (high wins after ties are eliminated, each pair represents win/loss/tie, ties go to defender, et cetera). Thus if I play your dice pool game, I have to learn how it is that you use the dice pool.

There's another step to it, though. If I play your game, when I come back next week or next month or next year to play again, I'm going to have to remember the nuances of how you did it. I don't always remember some of the nuances of games I played regularly for years. The more different you make your game, the more difficult it's going to be for me to remember, and the greater the bar against repeat play.

That's an argument for using things already familiar to your players, and varying them in very limited and rather obvious ways.

I'm not disagreeing with the execution of cows (although our Hindu friends might prefer we find a different metaphor); but Analytical is right to recognize that familiarity can be an important feature in a game design.

--M. J. Young

Message 11838#126890

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On 7/5/2004 at 7:04pm, madelf wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

My point was that it's there because everyone else puts it there. It can be optional and still fit that description.

But I don't agree that they are there because everyone else puts it there. In actual fact, not everyone puts it there.

I also think those elements are often there because those elements are popular with the people playing and (more importantly) buying D20 products. I think generally speaking the publishers put them there because they think it will help their product sell (and the figures seem to back that up), they're not simply doing it because they think they're supposed to.

This seems like a really good example of what I was talking about with the danger of assuming assumptions. You seem to be making unfounded assumptions about what people's "assumptions" are, without really knowing if they have a well thought out reason for what they are doing or not.

I apologize in advance if I'm misinterpreting your statements.

Message 11838#126897

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On 7/5/2004 at 7:36pm, madelf wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

If you tell me that you're using dice pools, all I really know is that I have to roll a handful of dice to find out what happens. I've played with dice pools, and I don't find them objectionable in play; but I think they're a designer's nightmare. You've got multiple variables--how many dice, how many sides, what target number, and how many successes are the obvious ones, but there are others such as whether there are botches. Beyond that, you can have opposed and unopposed pools, and the opposed pools can be handled several different ways (high wins after ties are eliminated, each pair represents win/loss/tie, ties go to defender, et cetera). Thus if I play your dice pool game, I have to learn how it is that you use the dice pool.

Why would they be a designer's nightmare?
Most of the issues you bring up are things that would have to be addressed in any other types of mechanics as well.
Number of dice, how many sides, what target number, botches or not, opposed & unopposed roles... are all issues to address, regardless of the dice system. Really a dice pool system can be fairly simple.

But as to what it says about a game, all dice pools (at least that I've run into) have that same feel of a fistful of dice, and the better you get at things the more dice you get to roll. It's like a tangible reward for getting tougher. And in a single die game, you can't experience that sinking feeling you get when the GM pulls out a double handful of dice when you run into the big bad. It doesn't have that means of being able to "size up" your opponent by the number of dice he's rolling. The GM can tell you how tough this Ogre NPC is, but when you see him rolling 8d6 for a strength roll and you've only got four on your best day, you can feel it in a way that a single die and a stat on paper will never let you do. You can see the physical evidence of his awe-inspiring might rolling and bouncing across the table in front of you when he rips that tree out of the ground to swat you with.

So when I see that a game uses dice pools, that actually tells me quite a bit about the feel of the game. (But I might just be weird too)

Message 11838#126902

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On 7/5/2004 at 10:38pm, MR. Analytical wrote:
RE: Sacred cows II (split)

M. J. Young wrote: Mr. Analytical's point (by the way, what's your name?) is significant; and I think that it goes deeper than it appears.


I'm not disagreeing with the execution of cows (although our Hindu friends might prefer we find a different metaphor); but Analytical is right to recognize that familiarity can be an important feature in a game design.

It's Jonathan :-)

Somebody else in this thread said it best when they said that there's more to how system matters than premise and playing style. Those are important dimensions but they're not the only ones that affect an RPG experience.

Familiarity is one of those dimensions.

Calvin - I don't think there's any issue here among the later posters. My point was that familiarity can be a positive thing in an RPG experience. D20 is a good example of a system that essentially markets itself with familiarity being one of it's selling points (less so nowadays though admittedly). Another reason for keeping sacred cows around is that people LIKE sacred cows. People REALLY like levels and loads of combat crunch... the ODD movement is basically a response to D&D moving away from its roots with ADD2.

As far as I'm concerned you're totally right and it's another reason for not killing sacred cows. Darren MacLennan on RPGnet posited a commercial law that said that basically economically you've got to have a damn good reason for not going with D20. While that's a commercial point rather than an artistic one I think some analogue still stands here. Cool new rules aren't necessarily a positive thing... there are reasons why some of these cows are sacred.

Message 11838#126922

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