The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Break out the links...
Started by: ZenDog
Started on: 7/2/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 7/2/2004 at 7:57am, ZenDog wrote:
Break out the links... search-fu is weak, and I've just ordered Sorcerer.

Sorcerer and the suppliment Sorcerer and Sword, should arrive over the weekend (going on previous online transactions with Leisuregames).

So err hi and expect to see me on these boards in the near future (with many questions no doubt).


Message 11849#126352

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by ZenDog which ZenDog participated Adept Press
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/2/2004

On 7/2/2004 at 3:27pm, Henri wrote:
RE: Break out the links...
This is a great collection of rules clarifications, but together by Doyce. If you have a question, I recommend looking here first.

Message 11849#126417

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...started by Henri which Henri participated Adept Press
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/2/2004

On 7/3/2004 at 2:51am, ZenDog wrote:
RE: Break out the links...

Cheers Henri, I guessed me coming to the game as late as I am, most of the questions I might have will have been asked here before.

Message 11849#126566

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by ZenDog which ZenDog participated Adept Press
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 7/3/2004