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Topic: Players pull strings from shadows, plot against the others
Started by: Emiricol
Started on: 7/2/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 7/2/2004 at 10:27pm, Emiricol wrote:
Players pull strings from shadows, plot against the others

I'm interested in a game in which the participants lurk off-camera mostly or entirely, pulling the strings of events and others, and thwart the plans of the other participants. Those being controlled may not even be aware of it.

This might not be a traditional RPG, but I don't really want a board game either. Genre is less important than execution.

Anyone have ideas or can point me to existing games, either indie or major label, that address this style of play?

Message 11863#126521

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...started by Emiricol which Emiricol participated RPG Theory
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...from around 7/2/2004

On 7/2/2004 at 11:15pm, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Players pull strings from shadows, plot against the others

Universalis seems custom made for your request.


Message 11863#126530

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On 7/3/2004 at 7:16pm, Emiricol wrote:
RE: Players pull strings from shadows, plot against the others

Hmmm. I've been looking for a reason to buy that game, since what I hear seems so interesting, but never considered that it could apply to this. I should have, of course :) I'll have to buy it soon, methinks.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Message 11863#126629

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...started by Emiricol which Emiricol participated RPG Theory
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...from around 7/3/2004

On 7/3/2004 at 8:47pm, Jere wrote:
Re: Players pull strings from shadows, plot against the othe

Emiricol wrote: I'm interested in a game in which the participants lurk off-camera mostly or entirely, pulling the strings of events and others, and thwart the plans of the other participants. Those being controlled may not even be aware of it.


Anyone have ideas or can point me to existing games, either indie or major label, that address this style of play?

Much of the play (especially Missions) in Age of Paranoia has gone this way. It is well worth taking a look at.


Message 11863#126642

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On 7/3/2004 at 11:53pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Players pull strings from shadows, plot against the others

I have a concept for such a game. If you're interested, I'll discuss it in greater detail in this thread, sometime later when I have the opportunity to write it up properly.

(The essential idea behind this game is that the social impact of actions is the only effect one needs to be concerned with.)

Message 11863#126663

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...started by Shreyas Sampat which Shreyas Sampat participated RPG Theory
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On 7/4/2004 at 3:49am, Emiricol wrote:
RE: Players pull strings from shadows, plot against the others

Shreyas Sampat wrote: I have a concept for such a game. If you're interested, I'll discuss it in greater detail in this thread, sometime later when I have the opportunity to write it up properly.

(The essential idea behind this game is that the social impact of actions is the only effect one needs to be concerned with.)

I'm interested, definitely. I'll check out Age of Paranoia, too.

Message 11863#126690

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...started by Emiricol which Emiricol participated RPG Theory
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...from around 7/4/2004

On 7/4/2004 at 2:38pm, Drew Stevens wrote:
RE: Players pull strings from shadows, plot against the others

That's one of the goals of Touché as well. To at least capture the big sweeping plots and ploys, although the camera's focus still tends to linger on the Nobility (although, depending on what scenes you participate in, your noble could be entirely off screen...)

Message 11863#126731

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