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Topic: New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available
Started by: Trevis Martin
Started on: 7/3/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 7/3/2004 at 12:01am, Trevis Martin wrote:
New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available

Well, following last years release of the first 13 Conan Stories, Del Ray and Wandering Star have just released The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane. I just got my copy today.

BTW there is another book of the original Conan stories due out on November 23rd called The Bloody Crown of Conan.

Now to read.


Message 11865#126540

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On 7/3/2004 at 12:24am, joshua neff wrote:
RE: New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available

Yep, I've got my Solomon Kane on the employee hold shelf at my Borders. Next weekend is another "Employee Appreciation Weekend," when all books & CDs are 40% for employees. Which means Kane will be mine.

Message 11865#126543

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On 7/15/2004 at 2:47am, Spartan wrote:
RE: New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available

The Coming of Conan was a revelation for me, and I'm glad I was able to find a copy easily. In fact, I was able to find nearly everything in the suggested reading list in Sorcerer and Sword this past weekend, so I gues I'm on a roll. ;) Nifft the Lean is one of the most engaging books I've read in a long time, FWIW. Now I've got to get that Savage Tales of Solomon Kane, as those are some of the stories I'm still missing. Thanks for the heads-up.

This might be my first post to the Adept Press forum, so hello all, greets, and all that good stuff.


Message 11865#128145

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On 7/15/2004 at 4:42am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available

Hi Mark! Welcome!

This forum is always open for geeking out about books, literature, comics, movies, theater, etc, which are relevant to any of Adept Press' games. So read and read, then post what you think.


Message 11865#128160

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On 7/15/2004 at 12:01pm, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available

I snagged this one as well- it is SO good to be able to ditch most of my DeCape paperbacks move on to the real items. Did you check out the draft versions and other notes and such in the back of the book? Great illustrations as well.

In rereading these again for the first time all over, I am struck by how perfectly channeled Howard's Conan stories were. Most found Conan already in the thick of it, striped to his loincloth, and hunted by merciless enemies. If you ever want to give soem good examples of Kicker, just point to the Conan story of your choice.

Excelent stuff.


Message 11865#128185

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On 7/15/2004 at 11:44pm, Spartan wrote:
RE: New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available

Bailywolf wrote: Did you check out the draft versions and other notes and such in the back of the book? Great illustrations as well.

Not yet, I'm halfway through it, and halfway through Niff the Lean, but have Bloodstone and The Sorcerer's Skull in the newly read pile. ;)

In rereading these again for the first time all over, I am struck by how perfectly channeled Howard's Conan stories were. Most found Conan already in the thick of it, striped to his loincloth, and hunted by merciless enemies. If you ever want to give soem good examples of Kicker, just point to the Conan story of your choice.

Indeed. Reading those Conan stories almost makes one feel winded! At the end of a few of them, you feel like you've been blindfolded and spun about half a hundred times. It's all good. Now if I can get a Sorcerer game to feel like that, I'll be a happy camper.


Message 11865#128328

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On 7/16/2004 at 12:54pm, Sean wrote:
RE: New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available

Let me tweak this thread according to its title, rather than what's been posted:

Are there current S&S-style fiction writers/venues out there that are really good? I've been poring over the classics lately as many of us have, but what about new writers? We should be trying to find and support them, I think, at least if they're good, as many of us are aspiring artists ourselves.

I seriously have trouble thinking of a new tale I'd characterize as S&S in the last ten years. A couple of the tales collected in Brian McNaughton's Throne of Bones (esp. "The Return of Liran Wolfbaiter" and the elegant short where the guy falls into the giant skull IIRC) are sort of vaguely close but I really can't think of much. Anyone point me to some new fantasy writers in the S&S tradition worth reading?

Message 11865#128402

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On 7/21/2004 at 2:44am, Tim Mahan wrote:
RE: New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available

Sean, you might want to give Garth Nix's Sabriel a try. I think it's got a bit of high fantasy mixed in with the sword and sorcery, but it's got that S&S edge to it. You shouldn't have any trouble getting your hands on a copy.


P.S. I've been lurking here for a while, but this is my first post here. Just wanted to say hi!

Message 11865#128974

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On 7/21/2004 at 4:30pm, Tim Mahan wrote:
RE: New Sword and Sorcerous Literature Available

Wait- I've remembered another one: The first novel in Stephen King's Dark Tower series is textbook S&S. It's worth a read, if you don't mind getting only a slice of the story. I'm reluctant to recommend the later novels in the series as they (IMHO) are gritty high fantasy rather than S&S. Does anyone who's read the series have any thoughts on whether it qualifies as S&S?


Message 11865#129023

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