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Topic: Dispersed character player gamec designs?
Started by: komradebob
Started on: 7/3/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 7/3/2004 at 5:37pm, komradebob wrote:
Dispersed character player gamec designs?


This is sort of a broad question, but I'm wondering about game design possibilities that disperse character player duties.

I've seen a lot of discussion about how Uni disperses GM duties, to the point where some consider it a GM-less game. By implication though, it would also seem to disperse character player duties.

What I'm trying to get at is that I'm interested in game design that allows various players in a game to manipulate, alter and explore more than one character ( or group of characters, as per WW Troupe style play).

Other than Universalis, the only other game I can think of that allowed this was the old TSR Indiana Jones game, where the suggestion was that the premade characters be rotated ( as well as GM duty), so that everyone had a chance to play the main character ( Indy). TSR's Marvel Superheroes also allowed for this possibilty, although in practice, I don't recall it happening often.

Has anyone experimented with this sort of design or play style?


Message 11873#126610

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