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Topic: HQ Mecha rule
Started by: angelopampalone
Started on: 7/5/2004
Board: HeroQuest

On 7/5/2004 at 9:52am, angelopampalone wrote:
HQ Mecha rule

Hi all!!!

Being alone/without any player, I've started thinking for a HQ role adaptation to a mecha filled campaign. (btw I like the Jovian Chronicles setting)
Then I started thinking on how manage the mecha with the HeroQuest rule. The first thing that spring to mind is to manage the mecha like a keyword with default value for some abilities (go around, targetting, dodge, etc.) and the possibility to increase the single one (the ability), but before starting to further go in this road, I want to know if some one have already done this or if there is something similar.


Message 11889#126846

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On 7/5/2004 at 7:06pm, RaconteurX wrote:
RE: HQ Mecha rule

I would certainly handle things the same way, and you could even go so far as to define entire keyword/ability combinations as particular models of a mecha. I am not terribly familiar with Jovian Chronicles, these days, and thus have no specific examples I can offer. To use an example from Heavy Gear, a Cheetah mecha keyword with a higher score in the Stealth and Targeting abilities could be the sniper variant, whereas a higher score in the Communications and Combat Coordinator abilities could be the command variant, etc.

Message 11889#126898

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On 7/6/2004 at 5:28am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: HQ Mecha rule

Hi Angelo,

It would probably be useful to assign "universal" traits that ALL mecha have, such as Armor, Size, Strength, Sensors, Ground Speed, etc. I wouldn't have more than maybe 10 at the most of these, and make the rest optional or specific to certain mecha. Since mecha are usually in very different categories than the characters walking around(even exoskeletons make a big deal), you need to nail them down better, since not everyone is sure what an "average" mech is, especially compared to the pilots and people around them.


Message 11889#126949

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On 7/6/2004 at 7:49am, angelopampalone wrote:
RE: HQ Mecha rule

Thanks all for the reply.

RaconteurX wrote: I am not terribly familiar with Jovian Chronicles, these days, ...

I've only a limited knowledge of Heavy Gear, but It and Jovian Chronicles, sharing the same role engine, are very similar. Btw the major difference are the capability to work in the space and a slight more power for the Jovian mecha (and no secondary terran movement system).

That said, the setting I'm thinking of view the mecha like powerfull weapon not like major character. Probably the Bankuei idea to make some universal traits is right. Previusly I was thinking to assign only the trait that differ from the averange mecha. But this solution can be better.

So wath do you think of:

Keyword: Averange Mecha
Size xW2, Strength xW4, Space Speed xW6, Ground Speed xW1,

Armor xW3, Passive sensor xW2, Ecm xW3,

Active sensor xW4, Long rage weapon system xW4, Short rage weapon system xW4

(With all the underlined value that are only a proposal.)

I' don't know if is usefull a per mecha different ground speed or if one (the same for all) can be just fine.
Same question for the sensor. But I like the atmospere of (silent) submarine fight the use of passive sensor can give to a team patrolling a cunck of space.

Btw as suggest RaconteurX, by adding specialized abilities a mecha can be "trasformed" in a more specialized version of the same.

following the is an idea for a mecha pilot keyword (incomplete):

Keyword: Mecha pilot
Follow order,
Fight hard,
Return to base,
Keep operating mecha,
Very scenographic manouver,

tipical relation to base, to squadron, to ground personell

Do you have any idea for wath wuld be the hero point cost for a mecha (keyword)?.

I'm thinking that for the military characther the army must pass the mecha and then there is a (limited) personalization possibility. For the indipendent characters, they must find someone that sell a mecha (usually only a skeleton without armament/sensor/weapon) and then customize it as they like. I'm thinking of permit to start with a mecha only if the background of the character is very geared in this direction.

Any sugestion?

Message 11889#126958

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On 7/6/2004 at 10:46am, soru wrote:
RE: HQ Mecha rule

I don't think it's so much a HP cost as that in a sci-fi campaign, most characters would have a 'tech' keyword instead of a magic one. This would start at 13 or 17 as appropriate, but be free.

Examples for such keywords would be:


some ex-military gear

extensive gun collection

high security clearance


medical bag

engineering toolkit

If they make some appropriate roll against that ability, then they can have use of any gear justified by that background. This is seperate from any skills needed to operate it.

Some would have limited use of powerful gear (try arguing with your commanding officer to let him take your mech on vacation with you), others unlimited use of less powerful items.


Message 11889#126975

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On 7/7/2004 at 6:47am, angelopampalone wrote:
RE: HQ Mecha rule

soru wrote: I don't think it's so much a HP cost as that in a sci-fi campaign, most characters would have a 'tech' keyword instead of a magic one. This would start at 13 or 17 as appropriate, but be free.
If they make some appropriate roll against that ability, then they can have use of any gear justified by that background. This is seperate from any skills needed to operate it.

Some would have limited use of powerful gear (try arguing with your commanding officer to let him take your mech on vacation with you), others unlimited use of less powerful items.

Is a very good idea. But saddly (my fault only?) I don't see how can I manage in an effective/efficient way the difference between what a keyword give you if the keyword is starship or a medical bag. Mybe some big improv. penalties in the use of the starship to get medical aids?. But again the scope of the first seems too big for me.

Message 11889#127162

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On 7/7/2004 at 9:14am, Tim Ellis wrote:
RE: HQ Mecha rule

angelopampalone wrote:

Is a very good idea. But saddly (my fault only?) I don't see how can I manage in an effective/efficient way the difference between what a keyword give you if the keyword is starship or a medical bag. Mybe some big improv. penalties in the use of the starship to get medical aids?. But again the scope of the first seems too big for me.

It's the same as the difference between magical keywords - "Devotee of Orlanth" vs "Spiritist of the Dew Girl Practice" (Not that I necessarily agree with all of the suggested list, but I can see merit in the suggestion)

The scope of an individual keyword like "Starship" or "Big Mecha" may be very wide, but depending on the style/scope of the campaign may also be quite limitied in it's utility (The number of Bars you can take your big Mecha in to is probably quite limited, but you can always carry your Medical Bag or Security Pass)

Like Occupation and Magical Keywords, certain combinations will be more common, and will certainly work well together as the Technical Keyword supports the occupation (Most Medics will have "Medical Bag" (or maybe "Sick Bay"))

Message 11889#127170

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On 7/8/2004 at 5:36pm, soru wrote:
RE: HQ Mecha rule

All those examples came from the Joss Whedon show 'Firefly'. If you watch the DVD, you'll see they more or less balance out, all getting screen time at one time or another. Commonly, several characters will have their tech keyword sharing the same spaceship, in the Firefly example as captain, co-owner, pilot and engineer.

But yes, for a SF game more than any other, it definitely has to be worked out and set up as a group in advance, you can't just have someone unexpectedly show up at the table with a character who is the captain of the Enterprise D (with teleporters, replicators, planet destroying weapons, dozens of redshirts, etc).

On the other hand, in Star Wars, Luke has the force, Han has the Falcon, Leia has her rank in the rebellion, Boba Fett has his Mandalorian armour, and it all seems to work out ok.


Message 11889#127351

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On 7/9/2004 at 12:50pm, angelopampalone wrote:
RE: HQ Mecha rule

soru wrote: All those examples came from the Joss Whedon show 'Firefly'.
But yes, for a SF game more than any other, it definitely has to be worked out and set up as a group in advance, you can't just have someone unexpectedly show up at the table with a character who is the captain of the Enterprise D.
On the other hand, in Star Wars, Luke has the force, Han has the Falcon, Leia has her rank in the rebellion, Boba Fett has his Mandalorian armour, and it all seems to work out ok.

I'm sorry but don't know the 'Firefly' show.
Homewere you make a good point with the star wars example. With it I was capable to see how you think the technical(magical) keyword can be used and I like this way to treat tech.

Is not to much burdesome to manage. Just must be used a little of gm judgement on the character creation to have a enjoiable game with interesting character.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Message 11889#127444

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