The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Looking for Playtest Reviews
Started by: Bob Goat
Started on: 7/12/2004
Board: Connections

On 7/12/2004 at 3:56pm, Bob Goat wrote:
[Conspiracy of Shadows] Looking for Playtest Reviews


I'm trying to get as many reviews of my game as possible and I think that playtest reviews are usually the most informative. If anyone is interested I can send them a link to a PDF and once you write and post a review somewhere ( etc) I'll hook you up with some free swag (any one of the following: hard copy, shirt, ballcap, poster, etc). If you are interested either post here, PM me or email me. To learn a little about the game click the link in my signature below.


Message 11969#127741

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