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Topic: What indie games are running at DexCon?
Started by: Andrew Morris
Started on: 7/13/2004
Board: Conventions

On 7/13/2004 at 6:48pm, Andrew Morris wrote:
What indie games are running at DexCon?

Hey all, since it starts tomorrow, I'm hoping I can get some feedback on which indie games will be running events at DexCon this year. Even though I'm only a few minutes away from the hotel where it's being held, I'm lazy and need convincing to get off my butt. A bunch of indie games would do it for me. I had a great time at the last Wild Gazebo convention due to all the great indie games I finally had a chance to play, and I'm hoping that there will be even more at DexCon. I tried looking at the schedule, but I only recognized a couple of indie games, so please help me out.

Message 11985#127934

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On 7/13/2004 at 10:05pm, abzu wrote:
RE: What indie games are running at DexCon?

I know that my friend Aaron is running Burning Wheel, kill puppies and one other.


Message 11985#127970

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On 7/13/2004 at 10:14pm, Andrew Morris wrote:
RE: What indie games are running at DexCon?

Okay, thanks, Luke. Do you know what the name of the other game is? Anyone else know any others?

Message 11985#127971

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On 7/14/2004 at 12:00am, nerdnyc wrote:
RE: What indie games are running at DexCon?

abzu wrote: I know that my friend Aaron is running Burning Wheel, kill puppies and one other.


I don't know who this "Aaron" character is but I'm running:

1. Burning Wheel(Sat. 3pm)
2. Kill Puppies(Sun. 12am)
3. Bulldogs!(Sun. 10am)

I'll post how it went. It's my first con w/o abzu, whoever will I pick on?

Message 11985#127983

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On 7/16/2004 at 4:42am, Dregg wrote:
RE: What indie games are running at DexCon?

Bad Muthas Tales from the Funk will also be ran Friday and Saturday nights at 8:00pm

Message 11985#128353

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On 7/19/2004 at 3:18pm, nerdnyc wrote:
RE: What indie games are running at DexCon?

Burning Wheel: Knights of Innocence
4 people attended, only 1 had played before

Game went well. Quick run-through of the mechanic to start thing off. We went on to the story quickly and introduced rules as they came up. They liked the mechanics and only got a little hung up on the scripting. This is pretty typical of most new people to BW. It was a good mix of dialog, diplomacy and a bit of combat. Players were interested to find out about getting the game, told them about their limited options in finding a set.

High Point: Gyspy Witch trapping the evil sorcerer in Sacah's Gaze while the rest of the group was trying to inturupt his demon summoning.


Kill Puppies for Satan: Down and Out in Dayton, Ohio
5 people attended, none had played before

Man, people act so scary when playing this game. Sick twisted people sign up for this game. The challenge is to make them effective in their destructiveness. They really want to focus on the hurting of animals and I have to keep reminding them that they can get power to do crazy things without killing and/or torturing people.

High Point: Summoning a little piddly-ass demon to sneak into the boss's office to make his phone crackle, chair wobble and his florescent lights blink. They finally got that it was cooler to slowly fuck with someone than to leave a dead puppie in his desk drawer.


Bulldogs!: Let's Go Shopping

no-one showed up


Low point of the whole con was the hotel booking a hundred or so frat boys who terrorized the LARPers and anyone that looked funny. They were attending a Custom VW Car show. One person pointed out that it was like high school all over again.

I have a B5 Inconspicous, so I made out fine on the routine tests.

Message 11985#128726

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On 7/20/2004 at 3:34am, JamesSterrett wrote:
RE: What indie games are running at DexCon?

We were staying at another local hotel, and the frat-VW-boys were there, too. :-/

We also went lightly deaf in our left ears, since the Dance-Dance-Revolution tourney was held just to the left of our table for AVT...! The DDR players have to be somewhere, I suppose, and we couldn't figure out a better place to be. (DexCon did offer to move us.)

The DexCon staff was amazing - as usual - in taking care of us demo people; Rebecca and Avie, in particular, went above and beyond the call to help us. If you're able to getg to northern NJ, DexCon is a great small convention for playing games. :)

I spoke briefly to Dregg, and one of the others on his NerdNYC team; they and several others assured me that my negative impression of I-Con for games, based on their promo materials from this winter, is quite misplaced. We'll have to see about getting there. :)

Message 11985#128826

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On 7/20/2004 at 2:54pm, Dregg wrote:
RE: What indie games are running at DexCon?

Ack! James I am so sorry I did not get back to you, that free Chicken Parm sandwitch threw me into violent sickness and myself and the rest of the Demo team decided to boogie on out.
The Frat boys were more than annoying, especially when they were trying to run people over in the parking lot. Hopefully the Hotel will learn from this fiasco.
The Dexcon staff was brilliant and very helpful, although the lack of food during the weekend is making my credit card comapny really happy, and the "Could have been better placed events" the con worked well for me.
We shall talk I-CON over the next few months (actually we have over 6 months) but I would really love to have you out and set you up with Demo space and such and honestly WE WANT FORGERS =)
I am currently trying to push buttons with all the cons I am affiliated with to start up an Indie Track and possible get a IGA going (Indie Gamers Assoc) going that can rival the RPGA (who just make me ill).
Anyway... Bad Muthas did not go off because the room I was supposed to run in was lock and did not get unlock until a 1/2 hour later. I do not blame the wonderful staff as they had frat boys to watch out for.
Eh, I'm sure I will have players at Ubercon and Southern exposure in the fall.

Message 11985#128868

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