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Topic: Dreamscape 24 hour RPG
Started by: Simon W
Started on: 7/16/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/16/2004 at 2:18pm, Simon W wrote:
Dreamscape 24 hour RPG

I wrote this up the other day, working on the basis that I wasn't going to have a free weekend over the next three weeks. I had to do it around work and other stuff, but I still managed 20 pages.

Anyway, I'm not enirely happy with it, I could easily double the pagecount with extra material I have ben thinking about. However, I'm going to have a break, to collect my thoughts and any of your thoughts too.

Here it is

The Setting

Is it interesting enough for me to keep bashing away at? What needs to change? Would you want to give it a go?

The System

Does it make sense? Does it work? (Whilst writing it, I got a bit lost with the combat system and don't think it does work in the light of day). What needs to change?

I'm thinking of going either diceless with it instead (ala Amber)- any thoughts?

Alternatively, I'm thinking it could lend itself the a Pool-like system, especially with the Chargemaster class being a sort of battery, or massive pool of dice for the other players/characters to tap into. Any thoughts?

Anything else?

Be gentle - I did do it in a 24 hour period (actually spending about 15 hours on it in that time).

Simon W

Message 12019#128415

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On 7/16/2004 at 3:36pm, Jediblack wrote:
RE: Dreamscape 24 hour RPG

The link seems not to work, I can't download anything :(

See ya, Da

Message 12019#128432

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On 7/16/2004 at 3:54pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: Dreamscape 24 hour RPG

Yeah, I know.

I'm looking into it.

Simon W

Message 12019#128434

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On 7/16/2004 at 5:39pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Dreamscape 24 hour RPG

Simon W wrote: I'm looking into it.

Hey Simon- I'll have it uploaded on the 24 Hour RPG site tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest.

Thanks for your patience- and great job!


Message 12019#128445

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On 7/16/2004 at 9:31pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: Dreamscape 24 hour RPG

Looks okay now.

Same questions apply.

Simon W

Message 12019#128497

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On 8/14/2004 at 3:56pm, slackerman wrote:
Dreamscape Playtested

I ran Dreamscape for 3 hours last night, not including time needed for character creation. We had a good time, and we want to play again. It's a great concept. However, you can tell it was written in 24 hours :) Will you have time to make some revisions and clarifications, kind of a Dreamscape 2.0? For example, the rules seem to imply some kind of experience-based level system, yet there are no rules for that. This made it hard to use some of the Abilities without controversy. The game has a lot of potential, would be great to see it developed further.

Message 12019#132016

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On 8/15/2004 at 8:52am, Simon W wrote:
RE: Dreamscape 24 hour RPG

WOW! It's good to see someone give it a go other than me. Perhaps you could give a bit of a write up over in the Actual Play forum?

Yes, I will add to it (I'm working on several of my games at the moment, so don't expect updates to be too quick!)

However any specific things that you mention in actual play or any specific problems that arose, by all means point these out and I will certainly look at them first.

Simon W

Message 12019#132048

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