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Topic: Soothsaying II (split)
Started by: VisionaryEntertainment
Started on: 7/16/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 7/16/2004 at 6:05pm, VisionaryEntertainment wrote:
Soothsaying II (split)

John wrote:

I find Bonewits to be tiresome and not terribly worth reading. I wish there was more useful reading on this topic. The oddest thing I've ever seen relating anything of this sort was in a truly terrible modern-supernatural game with a name like Everlast (does anyone have any idea what game I'm referring to, it's been years since I flipped through it in a store, the book came out in the late 90s). The game was quite bad, but the appendix was fascinating. The author actually had instructions on performing a simple ritual to help get everyone in the mood for gaming and in character. This included each person doing a very short and minor summoning of their character. I'd love to have a copy of this appendix, it was wacky but also rather interesting, if not necessarily something I'd actually use.

I believe you are talking about our game, The Everlasting by Steve Brown. It's intresting that you actually like the opening and closing ceremony that was in the first three foundation books. Personally our fans were mixed on wither or not to keep it in the fourth book and any future reprints ( which is fast on the horizion it seems judging by how many books we have left in stock). Some said it conveyed the wrong impression and brought to ones imagnation images of Dark Tower and all the negative connations associated with that. Others liked it because it took a different approach to RPGing and was different. I compromised by pulling that ( and other stuff as well) from The Book of the Fantastical and promising to put it on the web site in a pdf file for free. I haven't done that yet but I do plan on doing it soon.

Once it is up there you can download it for free for your own use.


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On 7/16/2004 at 6:28pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Soothsaying II (split)


The above post was split from the Soothsaying thread from last September.

Chip, welcome, and this (now) new thread is certainly open to continue discussions of playing The Everlasting. Do take a minute to check out the Forge guidelines for posting in the Site Discussion section - no big deal, really, but you'll see why I split this into its own topic.


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Message 12022#128454

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