The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Art for the IGC book
Started by: Jack Aidley
Started on: 5/19/2004
Board: Connections

On 5/19/2004 at 10:03am, Jack Aidley wrote:
Art for the IGC book

Well, I need some cover art for Chanter for the IGC anthology book thingy. And I'm guessing I'm not the only designer in need of an artist, hence this thread.

So, anyone fancy doing some art for Chanter?

I'd prefer someone who's jazzed by the game. I'll pay the suggested $20 fee for the art, um, talk to Dev or Mike or look in the other thread for technical details of how it's wanted.

Message 11285#120368

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On 5/19/2004 at 3:03pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Art for the IGC book

And if anyone wants to do art for Children of the North, let me know. I can't afford to offer you any money at all, so I was planning to go without art... But if you feel an urge, feel free. ;-D

Message 11285#120394

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On 5/19/2004 at 9:28pm, sharchen wrote:
RE: Art for the IGC book


I'm an illustrator and would be available to do a piece or two for anyone's game (though, sorry xiombarg, I can't afford to do any free work at this time.)

My art can be viewed here:


Message 11285#120421

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