The Forge Reference Project


Topic: FACES: Subconcious Role Playing 24 hours RPG?
Started by: Dumirik
Started on: 7/21/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/21/2004 at 1:16am, Dumirik wrote:
FACES: Subconcious Role Playing 24 hours RPG?

Hello. You may remember a while back that I brought up the idea of a game in which you play as aspects of a person's subconcious, with the GM interpreting the actions of the subconcious into how this effects how the real person actually reacts to their world. The idea was only a basic concept in my mind, but I have discovered this 24hr RPG thingy. Would I be allowed to develop this idea (that I created quite a while ago) and submit it to the 24hr RPG comp? I think that it would be a great way of getting the game out of it's concept stages and out into the world.


Message 12068#128969

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...started by Dumirik which Dumirik participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 7/21/2004

On 7/21/2004 at 3:36am, Lathan wrote:
RE: FACES: Subconcious Role Playing 24 hours RPG?

The official rules have this to say:

No pre-planning. You may not work on the RPG before your 24 hour period starts. This means no pre-creation of a system, no preparing vignettes or setting text, no artwork . . . nothing! It is understood that your 24 hour game may use elements of previous ideas, dreams, or game systems but you agree that all work on the game is to be done in a single 24 hour block of time.

If it's just a vague idea, and you don't have any mechanics or specific game details down, I'd say go for it!

Message 12068#128975

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Lathan which Lathan participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/21/2004

On 7/21/2004 at 11:09pm, Dumirik wrote:
RE: FACES: Subconcious Role Playing 24 hours RPG?

Cool. It's not vague, I know what I want to do, but nothing is down on paper really (I had some ideas, but I don't think that I want to use them). Just an idea. Does that count?


Message 12068#129081

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Dumirik which Dumirik participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/21/2004