The Forge Reference Project


Topic: That's Not Pork
Started by: Bailey
Started on: 1/14/2002
Board: Wicked Press

On 1/14/2002 at 10:23pm, Bailey wrote:
That's Not Pork

Just read the article at the WickedPress website and saw that he picked out my review of L5R as an example of "what's wrong with reviewers."

At first I thought he must have paraphrased. He must have put words in my mouth. My MOUTH!

But then I checked out's archives and found the review I had written. So in response to John's attack on my ability as a reviewer I have to make my impassioned rebuttal.

"I must've been high" That review was a freakish anomally written when mind altering occupied much more of my time than playing rolegames. I also had an abysmal gaming group which tended to color reviews of the games I did play at that time. I didn't even get John's name right in the "author" section of the review. I still have some issues with L5R, but thety are now completely different and not game breaking.

I'm sorry John. Please forgive me.

"It's John Wick's world. I just flee his armies of giant robots in it."

Message 1207#11316

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On 1/15/2002 at 1:16am, John Wick wrote:
It's okay, Bailey

We all get high and post weird things every once in a while.

Speaking from experience,

Message 1207#11328

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On 4/7/2002 at 1:08am, barna284 wrote:

Someone who humbly admits he was wrong in a open forum. The end of the world must be near. Next thing I`ll hear people saying apologizing is not for sissies and intellectual honesty is right...

thumbs up Bailey

Message 1207#17122

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On 4/9/2002 at 2:46am, Bailey wrote:
RE: That's Not Pork

Really, go look at the review I wrote. It was the worst review I've seen and I can't have any excuse for it. I didn't even get John Wick's name right. That should say something. I was a hard core user and only dug Changling, not that the two are related.

Now I use the L5R system for all my fantasy gaming and own a copy of Orkworld.

Message 1207#17296

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...started by Bailey which Bailey participated Wicked Press
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...from around 4/9/2002